Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights

Cancel Culture and 2nd Amendment

June 23, 2020 Jeff Dowdle Season 1 Episode 26
Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
Cancel Culture and 2nd Amendment
Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
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The new cancel culture is out of control.  It is time for everyone to grow up.  Also, the same slippery slope that has led to canceling George Washington can lead to the end of our 2nd Amendment rights.
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welcome to the live to shoot podcast. My name is Jeff bowel, and I've been an FFL for 13 years in this podcast. I attempt to talk about things related to the second amendment firearm industry, and any other topics that might be of interest either historically or in current day I hope that it's, that it's entertaining and that you, at least gather one little nugget of that interests you in each episode. Funny story. Last week. this weekend I went and recorded an episode of this podcast, edited it, uploaded it and did all those things. And then when I went to my actual podcast, I looked and I already had a podcast with the exact same title that up about five days earlier. And while there's a lot of the content was different. I completely forgotten that I had already talked about this topic. So one, I am getting old and two, I am, in the midst of a crazy season of our schedule and things. And I just, so to give an example, you know, I've talked about this in other episodes this next few weeks, I'm going to be crazy with my, my son's baseball. I, just got our schedule and we've got it. And, you know, granted I have a job. So I have games on Wednesday morning, Thursday morning, Thursday afternoon, Friday morning, Friday at noon, Friday afternoon, Sunday morning, Sunday afternoon. So I'm not really sure why I'm supposed to work. I'm trying to figure that out, but that's another topic for another day. So I'm actually recording this while I'm at work on my iPhone. So the sound may be a little different than a previous podcast, but I just want to jump in. And vent a little bit about what's going on here lately. And that is a cancelled culture. Now council culture has been picking up steam for a long time. And if you don't know what that is, that's whenever somebody goes out there and you say something you misspeak, maybe you just express your opinion and. Some fraction of the world, the internet world out there gets angry and starts to cancel you. if you're an entertainer you're chose get canceled. You're you ended up pulling off, you're pulling out, down your, all your social media and et cetera. So local example here right now that actually, I mean, not recently, it's just been going on is in our local community, the high school principal. 40 years ago, during a school play or a rehearsal for a school play, there was a scene where a boy or woman, boy, or man, and I'm not sure which, and I woman, girl, female, kiss, some of the students wanted to switch this to a, you know, male. On male kiss. And the principal said, no, this is, you know, really not the venue, not the place to talk about this or to express this viewpoint. We can pick another one. I'll stand with you. We can talk about it, all that. But I think in this particular setting is not appropriate for this. And this was four years ago, somehow a recording of this conversation got out and. It has just gone crazy. he has gotten death threats. Ultimately he is he's resigned. He's been a principal for 40 years and by all accounts, he was a beloved, he was an awesome educator because as an example, during, you know, stay at home, he went and personally visited 300 plus seniors at their house that were graduating. Yes to, meet with them, congratulate them, et cetera. And, I've been told that he travels to all events, band events, theater, events, sports events on his own money, all across the state and even the country, and to, to support his kids. And. A bunch of little snowflakes took exception to what he said four years ago. And now this person's had to resign. I said, this is an example, you know, now we've got it out there. You know? they're pulling down, Like a wrapped a flag around and George Washington statue caught it on fire, pulling down statues of Thomas Jefferson. they're removing the Theodore Roosevelt statue from the, museum of natural history in New York. They're going through and, and none of these folks. Confederate generals or anything like that. And so this is at flippery slope. So we S you know, several years ago, they start saying, Hey, we've got to take down these Confederate statues. You know, they give them wrong message. Well, hold on a minute, you know, what's that mean? And, and now we've progressed. And anybody that has had either, That has an ideology that we've disagreed with or, or, a time period, did things that may not be, the, the shiniest star in their path, are being canceled. And we are trying to whitewash, excuse the pun, Baja out our history, remove any references to anything that we may not be proud of. And. And we're negating a lot of the accomplishments of a lot of these men, George Washington. Yes. He owns slate. He has also the person responsible for this country. and so where does it stop? Where does it stop? It stops when we grow up and it stops when we quit apologizing and. We have honest conversations and. It does us no good to blot out these pieces of history that we have and act like they did not exist because we're not going to learn from them. We're not going to be able to grow. We're not going to be able to look back and say, this is where we've been. And look where we were, how far we've come. That's the purpose of history. History is not perfect. Today is not perfect. Tomorrow will not be perfect. People will make mistakes. Our leaders will make mistakes. But do we remove them from our history it's president Clinton or moved from history because he made some mistakes. He lied under oath. He got impeached. Have we removed him from history? Have we removed with the PR president Nixon for Watergate? Very scandalous. Time period. But no, we, we have it out there so they can, we look to it. We can reference it, we can learn from it. We can understand what motivated those people to act that way. And why is it different now? So grow up, people grow up and let's quit apologizing for either our own mistakes. Whenever they're just expressing our opinion. And let's quit apologizing for our past and accept things that had happened and move on. This culture that we're in is, is crazy. And whose whose values are ones that we're going to determine are those who are going to follow? So, what does any of this afternoon? The second amendment. Well, it's that slippery slope. Several years ago when they started wanting to tear down a Confederate general. statues and. It was a warrant, you know, where does this stop? And we're finding that we don't know where it stops. We've moved on to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson. Teddy Roosevelt because, we have slot led down that slippery slope. Now we're on our butts right now. and that's the second amendment supporters. Gun rights advocates have always argued. And when it came to propose gun laws that they were slippery slope. And they were challenged on this. because they were all, these are just quote unquote reasonable was well. It seems reasonable today. Then that just moves the bar down a little bit further to what next is going to be reasonable. Why do you need a 30 round magazine? Why can't you just have 10? Well, they won. And why do you need 10? Why don't you just need one bullet? Why do you need, you know, semiautomatic weapons plant can't they just be single action. why do we have, you know, why. Why can't we just have universal background checks. what about red flag laws? should we be concerned about this and build it in. Wherever your neighbor that has concerns, be able to warn the police, that they may have concerns about you. Okay. And, so on and so on. And these things like the Explorer. Red vine logs are. Perfect. It's a slippery slope. And so as we, Look at what's happening with this cancel culture. And how quickly things have just continued to road. We have to keep this in mind as it obtains the second amendment, because they were the same people doing the cancel culture. Coming after a guns and they're going to want to, again, Greece. That slippery slope so that if you slide down and even faster, so. You know, we have to be, aware and w. Conscious of what their tactics are and that, you know, it's like oil in that Prague and water and that we have before long, you know, that the heat is so high that you can't do anything about it though. Again, you know, the, cancel culture. Footprint. and second amendment people You know we have to Be aware of who our enemy is and what their tactics are so You know i'll be updating me more on this as we go along And so just have a good week I'll talk to you later

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