Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
Left Coming for Firearm Dealers and YouTubers
In this episode we discuss a new approach to shut down firearm dealers.
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Welcome to the live sheep podcast. My name is Jeff doddle and I have been a licensed farm dealer for the last 14 years in this podcast. We talk about all things related to the second memory, as well as anything going on in the current political environment. Or am I filling a sports story or something? Just spent my personal life. Welcome, welcome, welcome. But today is Monday the 13th tomorrow's Valentine's day. And. The bowl is today. So I hope everybody's going to have a good Sunday. I'll be watching the super bowl for the Bengals, just because I'm a Joe burrow fan and a big pan of anything really LA related. That's what I'll be doing today and not where else, but having a good time with their friends and family. So last week's podcast, we talked about how the left really probably isn't doesn't want. Deuce violent crime just by their actions of not pursuing in prosecuting violent crimes of reduced sentences, et cetera, anything related to a handgun, but then they're going after lawful gun owners and level guns. And so it's all about creating chaos. And having a higher crime rate and then going after the illegal gun owners, because eventually they want to completely eliminate the second amendment. I mean, a speech to that this week, Joe Biden, once again, reiterated that the second amendment is not absolute. And so key indication of how the left feels about things and. This week, some things popped up that again, shows that they are going to be aggressive about this, and they're doing it through different means. They're not going through Congress or there they're going after other methods to try and go after our guns. And one of them is, again, like I said, it's gone coming after me, the FFL. So there was just a recent the gun owners of America found a job posting on the department of justice for the ATF. And. The position, according to the website says the position will be responsible for the implementation of a new internal. NTC procedure, a national tracing center procedure conducted research draft, and think field referrals on non-responsive trace request, interact with effect effect, field divisions, offices, where nonresponder FFLs are located and generates certified notification letters to affected FFLs. So what does this job? This looks like they are now going after those of us. If it fails that do not respond timely to trace requests, what the trace request. So. Firearm is found at a crime scene or just found in general or confiscated for whatever reason. And an effort to determine who was the last owner of that gun. They will initiate a trace request and they will start with this manufacturer that farm, whether it's Smith and Wesson, Beretta, Remington, whatever it is. And they just start going down the line asking where did you send that? And eventually it will come to the transferring dealer and that would be me. And then I will get a call asking for a trace request and they will tell me the date, approximately that I received the farm and the serial number and the make and model. And then I have to return back to them within 24 hours, the 44 73, that I transferred that, that firearm out on. And so since I you know, we have to keep. 20 years of, of records that right now, the recent legislation and new rule proposals, that Biden administration is trying to make that indefinite. But right now it's 20 years. And so let tres requests can go back as far as 20 years ago. And so I have to track down that transaction track down that form. I have boxes and boxes of forms in my attic, and then I have to return that to the ATF all within 24 hours. Okay. In reality and the situation, a lot of times that does not happen within 24 hours. And I am sure that it, I am not the exception. Can only imagine what some of these larger gun stores. Thousands of transactions in a month and have been doing this for years. What, what their processes, they probably don't have those forms stored on site. It's probably someplace offsite that they have to go to. So I can imagine. And there may be even getting more and more than I can get, so it can be definitely difficult. And so now it looks like the ATF has come to this realization. Hey, let's go after these guys. Ellis track them down and they can then start revoking our licenses because we were a slow response on our trace request that could almost be every FFL dealer out there. They can effectively pull, start pulling the licenses for every gun dealer in the country. Is that what they're going to do? I don't know, but we know what the, their motives are and if they can't outlaw the guns, let's just get rid of the people selling the guns, whether they're doing it legally or not legally. So we're going to see more of this happening more back loop, back door, a ways, nothing. The ATF just went after it. I don't know if you've heard this story, a YouTuber, Matt Hoover. They are charging him with conspiracy because he. And at one point in time, took advertising dollars from auto key And if you're not familiar with auto key card auto key card is a credit card sized piece of metal. That auto key engraved the image of a lightning Lincoln lightning link. If when it's symbol put together can be dropped into an AR 15 and make it fully auto. And this was just a picture of an auto and lightening link on a metal credit card size. And then. Went to auto key cars, shut them down there. Currently awaiting trial. The trial for that is in April, I think, and the, see if they were unlawfully selling machine guns. And at some point in time in the past, Matt Hoover and his YouTube channel w had them as a sponsor and received money for it. And now the ATF has arrested him, put him in jail for conspiracy. So this is not. This is not great. This is not more than making this up. This is all true stuff. I mean, the skin shouldn't be surprising. ADF once said that I shoot lace at 14 and she likes, could be a machine gun. So. It's crazy. You know, it's a piece of metal inside of a credit card. I'm Shingon no when, when can it become a machine gun? I don't know, but that's not a machine gun. And I said, they're going after eight FFLs are going after YouTubers now you know, Joe Biden just said in his last speech that a Glock is a weapon of war. It's the most commonly sold handgun in the world. And it is now a weapon of war and it should be out blocked. They aren't stopping. This is, this is it. Our second amendment is under extreme attack from all angles either. They're trying to do it legislatively, but they're also doing it through administrative processes, which are much more harder to defend and fight against because they can come at us from every angle, from every loophole that were out there. So. We have to be diligent and fight and fight and fight and get the word out, tell people what's going on. It is amazing how this message, the messages out there are not getting to the people because the mainstream media do not want to tell the stories. They don't want to shed a light on this. They don't. And it's anywhere from COVID to vaccines. To firearm confiscations, this is what we're living with. And so we've got primaries coming up here in most places. It is time to make sure you vote, vote responsibly research research. I will probably. Putting some links to, for least for Texas, I'm here in a little bit. My wife and I are doing research on who are the candidates to vote for and all the different offices. And so I'll probably be, I'll put a link in that and probably in one of my next upcoming podcasts here in a week or two. So we're here. Other states go and research, get with gun owners of America, even the NRA find out who they suggest that you vote for and vote for them to not vote for the rhino. Republicans do not vote for the Democrats. Damn. Oh, I love, well, I love him. He says that the demo Republicans, Democrats, Republicans may not be. The Republicans may not be that that's a little solution to all of our problems, but Democrats are the cause of all of our problems. So do not vote Democrat at all. There may not be some great Republicans out there, but please do not vote for Democrats at all. There is not a good one out there. Just, just to say so again, please get out and vote. Fo get your friends to vote, share these messages because they're coming after our guns. They're trying to destroy the second amendment. They want to take control and give us no way to fight back. I thank you for listening. Share this podcast. Like it, get the word out. I'm appreciated by that listens and have a great Superbowl Sunday and a great week.