Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights

Keep Fighting For the 2nd Amendment

June 18, 2022 Jeff Dowdle Episode 120
Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
Keep Fighting For the 2nd Amendment
Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
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Show Notes Transcript

Welcome to the live to shoot podcast. My name is Jeff Dole and I have been a licensed firearm dealer for the last 14 years in this podcast. We talk about all things related to the second amendment, as well as not throwing a sports story or something else going on around the world. So welcome. Welcome. Welcome. Today is Saturday, June 18th. And. I missed last week doing a podcast. And, you know, I think we've talked about this. I'm trying to not be as rigorous about trying to get one every week at least every couple weeks. But I have missed, you know, I didn't miss last week we were out of town doing some family things. It was my 23rd wedding anniversary and my youngest turned 17 and we just did a lot of. Family stuff. And so it did not get a get around to doing a podcast, despite all the craziness that's going on in regards to the second amendment and our rights to bear arms. And so that's what this, this episode is really about is the continued theme of what I've always talked about in this podcast is that we gotta keep fighting for our rights fighting for the second amendment, stand up and, and be heard. And. It's no more important than it is right now. And it's working. So, and don't, don't get like AADA, you know, we all only have to look at our neighbors to the north and look at what their situation is, where their, I don't even know what to call him. Trudeau has now announced a freeze on handgun sales and you, I, I believe me, the Biden administration sees that and they're thinking, Hm. Maybe we ought to try that. I guarantee you that they've done these trial loans, so they've, they were able to lock us down for two weeks to stop the spread. Then they were able to lock us down for two years. They were then able to Force vaccines on us and force us all to wear mask whenever it didn't make any sense. And all those types of things that they were just testing. How much power can we have and Trudeau has shown'em Hey, here's the next step? And we've already got the, because of the horrible events in Uvalde. The second amendment is, is again on trial and it, it should never be on trial. It is a. God-given right of self protection. And the second amendment facilitates that. Protects the rest of the constitution from regimes and people like, like Trudeau and Canada, but from our own Biden regime in, in the nuts and the left that that want to all they're searching for is power. They don't care about pro stopping violent. Violent crimes, gun deaths, anything like that. They're just wanting power and they can't have power if they can't control us. And they can't control us if we have firearms. And that is what it's all about. And so, you know, several different pieces of legislation have been proposed. The house passed a piece of legislation that it was not. It doesn't feel, really feel like that, that that'll get passed in the Senate. But then the Senate has been working on a piece of legislation and we've had some, some of those Republicans and I use that word loosely that are. Helping negotiate what this, this piece of legislation would look like. They're trying to quote unquote compromise and you don't, you can't compromise it to these people. It is what you, you, you don't, you give up everything and they give up nothing. And so, and, and John corn and out of Texas, my state is leading that effort. And believe me, he's heard from me, he's heard from me several times, and that is what we have to keep doing. We have to keep bombarding our senators and our representatives about that. They cannot. Infringe upon our right to bear arms. And it's working, John corn actually stepped out of the negotiations, left them. It's come back to Texas and I can believe you that it's because of what he's hearing from, from others and from the senators there are senators now, Ted Cruz is one all his, his own fellow Texas Senator that is voicing concerns about this. Piece of legislation. And a lot of it really goes around red flag logs, which not only take away, you know, your right to bear arms, but it's also your due process is, is infringed. So they're going after another amendment bill of rights. And then they got in there, you know, talking about universal background checks and. Maybe even potentially raising the age to 21, all these things reasonable. Yeah. But we get accused of the slippery slope argument. Well, it is a slippery slope and we have slipped down it many times and we're falling down it further and further. So we have to continue to battle for those rights because we will lose'em and they will take them away. And then we will be no different than, than Canadians or even, you know, The Jews of, of, of Germany. And if you look at every time where gun rights are taken away, what's the next thing. The next thing is power and take over and rule tyranny. So contact our Congressman, get, get there. I'm gonna put on I'll put the phone number for the, the Senate or for the, oh, the congressional switchboard as well as Lincoln gun in America, where you can just fill it out and send a message to your con your senators about what you think about this. But we have got to fight and is working. And if we keep giving them letting our voice be heard, we can win this thing. We can definitely win it because majority of people want to be able to protect themselves. And that is what is important about all this. So I appreciate you. Listen. Thank you. And then remember fight, fight, fight for our rights. Have a good weekend.

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