Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights

Biden's Lies and Debunking His False Claims

Jeff Dowdle Episode 168

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In this episode I discuss Biden's  pattern of lies and incompetence. I scrutinize Biden's questionable claims throughout his career, shedding light on instances of plagiarism, false academic achievements, and misleading statements. I also address Biden's stance on the Second Amendment and dissects several claims made by the president, offering counterarguments and fact-checking from surprising sources like CNN.
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Welcome to the Lift Sheep podcast. My name is Jeff Dole and I've been a licensed firearm dealer for the last 16 years. In this podcast, we talked about all things related to the Second Amendment, other stories going on in the news, or something going on in my personal life. So welcome, welcome, welcome. It is the June 24th, and today is Saturday. So welcome, welcome, welcome. Hope y'all had a great week. Mine was busy and hectic, and. You know, it was a short week cuz of the of Juneteenth holiday just seems to make things even crazier. So, you know, if you've listened to this podcast at all, my disdain for Joe Biden is no secret and I am just a marvel at this man and success that he has had based on his total incompetence. And the other thing that is, It's out there in the public domain, is well known. He is a liar, a complete liar, and has lied his entire life about things that are easily debunked. And even after they're debunked, he continues to still tell the stories over and over and over again. Some examples, he, you know, he had plagiarized speeches and essays his entire life when he was in in law school. He plagiarized five pages from the Law Review Journal. No quotes, no attribution at all. In his 88 presidential campaign, he plagiarized speeches from a British politician, Neil Kock. Robert Kennedy and President John F. Kennedy, and I don't know if you've seen the video comparing the, the one from Neil Koch to what he said. It is so dead on and ridiculous, the fact that he's quoting it because it's, he's telling stories about his, his personal life. That are not even true. In his presidential campaign, he lifted slogans and ideas word for word from other groups. He, he, he stole entire sections from Bernie Sander's campaign and his build back, better slogan, his right from Bill Clinton. So it, it, he just, he doesn't have never had an original thought. And now as he's gotten older, And definitely in some sort of mental decline, it's even worse. Other things out there that where he has lied. He claimed to have a full academic scholarship. Did not have one. He said he was top half of his law school. Actually his bottom half, he said he graduated with three degrees. No, he only had one degree. He said he was name the outstanding political science student. Untrue. He claims that he, when he was 17, he sat in on sit-ins in a dis desegregated restaurants and movies. And he said he marched in the civil rights movement. And then he also said that his son, he said this, he said this multiple times, has D died in Iraq. It's completely untrue. His son died in 2015. In Walter Reed Hospital in Maryland, he told a a, a class of, of graduating mid shipment that he had applied to the Naval Academy. And when you go and check the Naval Academy, there is no appointments for, for Biden. He claims he played football for the University of Delaware. They say he was never on the roster. He claims that he went to a historically black college, Delaware State. They say he never attended. I mean, these lies go on and on and he keeps getting away with it over and over again. But what gets me boiled up is when he starts telling lies about the second Amendment, the telling thing is, is that now other people are starting to catch onto it. Those that typically wouldn't. So, Here's, here's a story from CNN of all places, and they go on and they debunked the false five false claims that he makes about guns. First false fact in this, this was a speech last week that he made at the National Safer Communities Summit that he spoke about how his law in 2022 helped provide funding for red flags laws. And after that, he mentioned that Beau Biden, his son, would bring Bo up again. Who served as attorney. Attorney General of Delaware was the first to enforce red flag laws. Well, his, his claim is false, and this is not me saying it. This is, this is cnn. Delaware did not have a red flag law when Bo Biden was State Attorney General from 2007 to 2015. Legislation that created Delaware's Red Flag program was named the Bo Biden Gun Violence Prevention Act, but it was passed in two eight 2018. Three years after Bo Biden died, if you've heard the speech, this is, and this is from the article, stabilizing Braces. In that same speech, this is what he said. He said he put a pistol, bra pistol on a brace, and it turns it into a gun. Makes him where you can have a higher caliber weapon, a higher caliber bullet coming out of that gun. It's essentially turning it into a short barrelled rifle, which has been a weapon of choice by a number of mass shooters. Again, CNN Biden's claims that a stabilizing brace turns a pistol into a gun, increases the caliber of the gun, and is false. A pistol is obviously already a gun, duh, and a pistol brace does not have any effect on the caliber of ammunition that a gun, fires, or anything about the basic functioning of the gun itself. Another claim that he makes is he and he ma, he makes his claim. Over and over. He keeps repeating this claim that the, the guns are the only, in gun makers are the only industry in America that you can't sue. And this is CNN Biden's claim False. As, as has been noted, gun manufacturers are not entirely exempt from being sued. Nor are they the only industry with some liability protections. Notably, there are significant liability protections for vaccine manufacturers and at presence for people and entities involved in making distributing COVID 19 measures such as vaccines, tests and treatment under the 2005 protection of lawful Commerce and Act. Gun manufacturers cannot be held liable for the use of their products and crimes. However, gun manufacturers can still be held liable for a range of things, including negligence, breach of contract regarding the purchase of a gun, or certain damages from defects in the design of a gun. Another false claim makes is Biden said that the National Rifle Association, the prominent gun rights. Organization, it's in itself cannot be sued. And the fact that the government and the fact that the NRA has such overwhelming power, this is by, you know, the NRA is the only outfit in the nation that we cannot sue as an institution. They got this before I became president. They passed legislation saying that you can't sue them. Biden's claim is false. This is from cnn, while gun manufacturers of law liability protections in a lawsuit with has ever been passed to forbid lawsuits against the nra. The nra, in fact, has faced a variety of lawsuits in recent years. And then at the same time, Biden said that that, that he taught the Second Amendment. In school and guess what? It doesn't say that you can own any weapon you want. It says there are certain weapons that you just can't own. One example Biden cites is you can't own a machine gun. CNN claim. Biden's claim is false. The Second Amendment does not explicitly say people cannot own certain weapons, and the courts have not interpreted it to forbid machine guns. In fact, with some exceptions, people in more than two thirds of states are allowed to buy and by fully automatic weapons as long as those guns are legally registered and possessed prior to NI possessed, prior to May 19 ninth. May 19 9 96, he said there are more than 700,000 legally registered machine guns in the us. Then he claims that his speech at the national safe, we fought the the Safer Communities Summit that we fought the hell to close the so-called boyfriend loop ball that allowed people convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence to buy, possess, possess guns if the victim was not someone they were married to living. With or had a child with Biden's claim, categorical claim that such offenders now cannot buy a firearm is an exaggeration though. Biden did sign a law in 2022 that made significant progress in closing the boyfriend loophole That 2020 law has. Law added dating partners to the list of misdemeanor domestic offenders who are generally prohibited from gun managers, but in a concession demanded by law says these offenders can buy a gun in five years after their first conviction. So, lies, lies, lies. That's all he does is lie and he gets away with it. His family is are criminals, they're traitors and they continue to get away with it. And, They may be, he may be the most crooked president we've ever had, and he's, he is not a smart person. And what mental faculties he's had, he's losing. And so I just tell you that we've gotta keep spreading the word about all these types of things cuz we can't afford another four years of Joe Biden in the presidency. He's losing it. He's lost it. He's a liar, he's a crook, he's a criminal. He hates the Second Amendment. He hates you. He hates me. He hates all of us. His whole thing is power. And he's willing to sell this us, the us out to the Chinese for that power. And he's done that to an extent, and that the only way we can regain our strength is one, get rid of him and the other is put Donald J. Trump back in the presidency. Thank you for listening. Share this podcast. Continue to follow it. Download it. Tell others about it. Do whatever you want. Let's, we gotta keep getting the word out. I appreciate it and thank you.

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