Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights

Will Doctors Try and Take Our Guns Away?

June 29, 2024 Jeff Dowdle Episode 208
Will Doctors Try and Take Our Guns Away?
Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
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Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
Will Doctors Try and Take Our Guns Away?
Jun 29, 2024 Episode 208
Jeff Dowdle

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In this episode we talk about decisions from the Supreme Court and the possibility that health professionals will attempt to take away our 2nd Amendment rights.

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Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
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In this episode we talk about decisions from the Supreme Court and the possibility that health professionals will attempt to take away our 2nd Amendment rights.

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Welcome to the Live Shoe podcast. My name is Jeff Dole and I've been a licensed firearm dealer for the last 17 years, and this podcast we talk about. All things related to the second amendment, as well as anything else going on in the world or a personal story or anything else that I might find interesting. So welcome, welcome, welcome. What a week it's been. It's been, been crazy. You can already, you can start with the U. S. national soccer team losing to Panama two to one after having to play most of the game with just 10 men because of a stupid, a foul that one of our players made now they've got themselves against the wall and they've got to get a win to move on to the knockout round. Or you can look at some of these Supreme Court decisions that came down. There were some big ones Fisher versus United States, which impacts all these J6 trials where they use that outdated Enron law to, and reinterpreted it to say that they were trying to interfere with an official proceeding. By protesting and, you know, that's one of the charges against President Trump as well. So a lot of those charges are going to get thrown out. And we will see what happens with all of those defendants that have been convicted or are pending trial for their involvement in the January 6th events. Then there was the As it pertains to Supreme Court decisions, the big one, and this was the Loper Bright Enterprises versus Raimondo. And this is where the Supreme Court threw out the concept of Chevron deference, and that's a 40 year old procedural That it's a 40 year old approach where the courts would defer to the expertise of the administrative agencies and interpreting and enforcing laws written by Congress. So if a law was written and it had it wasn't clear in certain aspects. And the administrative agency, the FDA, the EPA, the ATF, interpreted and enforced it in a certain way. And then it was brought to court. The courts were, took the approach that they would defer. to the expertise of these administrative agencies and the way they interpreted and enforced the law. What this led to is basically these administrative agencies becoming their own lawmakers and creating rules and regulations that Congress never intended and, and created this administrative state. That we have the ATF being an excellent example and, you know, when we look at, you know, the courts deferring to their expertise, the ATF agents ATF is one that has you know, at one point said a shoestring was a machine gun. So, you know, how Big of an expert, are they? But anyway, that is big. That is going to help slow down the growth of the administrative agency, slow down their enforcement abilities, and, and really bring things back to hopefully more of a normal state. We're a long way from there, but at least it allows us to get some control over these agencies. Then the last thing that happened, it actually happened before, but the last thing I want to talk about is our Surgeon General Vice Admiral Vivek Murthy declared that firearm violence is a national health emergency. And in doing so, he used, you know, a variety of different statistics to come to this conclusion. And he used a survey of about 1, 200 people and just to show, you know, how. horrible, you know, firearm violence and firearms are to our society. So he has now declared it a national health emergency. So what does that mean? Well, when was the last time the government declared a national health emergency? COVID. And what did they do? They stomped all over our rights. They prevented us from assembly. They prevented us from the freedom of speech. They prevented us from the freedom of religion and worship. They forced using either the government employees to take, shots and vaccines, or they pressed down on other private employers to force their employees to get get to get the COVID shot. They, they locked us down. They kept us from going out in public. They told us that we couldn't have Thanksgiving with our family, all because they deemed it that the science said that this was a national health emergency and that we had to follow what they said, constitution. be damned. And that is what they may be. They're what they want to do now. Firearms. They're going to use their administrative ability to say that firearms are a national health of our and start trying to figure out ways to stomp all over our second amendment rights. And whether that might be, you know, doxing people that are firearms owners, you know, Just like it was when you went, if you went out and didn't wear a mask and people would, you know, stare at you and, and wonder, you know, why are you trying to kill me? They're, they're going to be putting lists out there, which they've already done a firearm owners and how that they are a risk to society that you shouldn't hire them that your kids shouldn't play with their kids. You know, can't go to the same schools as these people. You may lose your job because you're a firearm owner. May sound crazy, may sound extreme, but look back at COVID and think about did you ever think that those things were going to happen? So this is something we've got to keep an eye out. Is what are they going to do now that they're They've got this you know, they've tested this COVID. They tested the, the ability of what they can do and what their powers are. And they realize they can do a lot because we let them. We can't let them anymore. We can't let them. We have to stand up and fight against them. And I believe, you know, they may bite off more than they can chew when they, when they go against the firearms community. But again, they're going to try. This is just another salvo and another attempt to try and step on our Second Amendment rights. You know, they think that these, that this is something that, that the government has granted us and they don't understand that the Second Amendment is a God given right of self protection and that we have that right and they can't take it away from us. And if they do, They are going to have to suffer the consequences, and I'm not saying violence or anything like that, but we will have to stand up and resist. This is not, you know, anything that's going to be acceptable, and, you know, with, um, The way things happened with the debate the other night, who knows how desperate the left is going to get. They see things, you know, slipping through their control, slipping through their fingers, and this may be a time when they try and do some other more aggressive things in terms of trying to maintain their authority and, and keep us under control. So, keep an eye out on it. You know. Watch what this Surgeon General does, because who knows, you know, what, what else they're going to try and do. But some good news out of the Supreme Court. Good news with the debate. I don't know, that was a joke, but I didn't, didn't expect anything better than that. And now it's, you know, we've got to sit back and see what's going to happen. But you've got to be prepared. active, get people to vote, register them, you know, you know, contact your congressman, do all those things to support our second amendment because it is the one thing that they feel that if they can get their guns taken away from us, they can control us. And that is true. So have a great one. I will try and get something out for the 4th of July. If I don't have a great 4th of July and I appreciate everybody listening and have a great day. Thank you.

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