Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights

Who Is JD Vance and What Does He Think of the 2nd Amendment?

July 20, 2024 Jeff Dowdle Episode 211
Who Is JD Vance and What Does He Think of the 2nd Amendment?
Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
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Well, welcome to the Live Shoot podcast. My name is Jeff Dowdle and I've been a licensed firearm dealer for the last 17 years and this podcast to talk about all things related to the second amendment as well as anything else going in the world or any other story that I might find interesting. So welcome, welcome, welcome. So today it has been a week since the attempted assassination on our former and hopefully our future president, Donald Trump, a horrific day. And I don't know if Everybody's going to be one of those days, I think, where everybody remembers where they were. But I don't want to, I'm not going to talk about that. Because a lot has happened between then and now. We've had the convention. Donald Trump accepted his nomination. He spoke the other night. A very awesome acceptance speech. But one thing that did happen is he did name J. D. Vance as his running mate. And I think it's really key that everybody understands who J. D. Vance is and what I think is the importance of that decision. So who is J. D. Vance? And that's it. Where does he stand on the Second Amendment, as well as why was he chosen as Trump's VP? Because, not many people knowing, he's 39 years old, he's only been in the Senate for a little over a year now and before that, what did he do? Who is this man from Ohio? Well, if you've read the book Hillbilly Elegy or seen the Netflix special, you have a better idea of who he is. It tells a great story about his background and how he became who he is. And if you haven't, I highly suggest you at least watch the Netflix movie called Hillbilly Elegy. It's got Glenn Close, Amy Adams, and it's a very powerful story. Now, that movie was made before he became a senator. It ends. Before all that happened, and so, but it does give you a sense of who this man is. He grew up, he is, as he says it, he's from Hillbilly Hillbilly royalty. His family was part of the Hatfield and McCoy rivalry feud. He moved from, his family moved from Kentucky. to Ohio, where he grew up his mother was an addict. His grandmother, Mamaw, that is, it took care of him, raised him. He grew up in poverty went to the Marines, served four years out of high school in the Marines, left the Marines after his, his service was up, went to the Ohio, Ohio, the Ohio state. University, got a degree and then went to Yale Law School and graduated with his doctorate in jurisprudence from Yale Law School where, interesting enough, one of his friends at Yale Law School was Vavik Ramasamy. They knew each other, but then he went on to and started a work for Peter Thiel in venture capital. Peter Thiel helped him then start his own venture capitalist firm. And he was actually one of the very first investors in rumble. So he has a very, he's a passionate for free speech and the constitution, but then he he ran for Senate in 2022. And at the time of running for Senate and prior to that he was a never trumper. He did not like Donald Trump and he spoke very openly about that. And, but when he went ran for the Senate one of the first people that endorsed him. And because he is a, he is a populist, he comes from the real world. His family was poor. He's self made and he has since obviously turned from his Being a never Trumper to understanding Donald Trump and being a, his, one of his most vocal proponents through all the things that Donald Trump has has been going through here lately. J. D. Vance has been right there by his side. And I think it says a lot for Trump that he would choose this junior Senator from Ohio to be his running mate, because I think Trump is not Looking at this about being a Trump thing, he's looking at what is the future of the MAGA movement, the Republican Party, and J. D. Vance is the future. He is 39 years old, as he said. You know, it's been said, he could live twice and still be younger. President Biden and he is a populist. He, he believes in the working man and those that, you know, shower before they go to work and then they shower after they go to work, after they come home from work. But what does he think about the second amendment? And, you know, he's been, he's only been in the Senate for a few years. So his, his voting history and. Public policy is not very deep around the Second Amendment, but he, he did come out and praise the Supreme Court for their decision on striking down the bump stock ban in Gargill Garland versus Cargill. He also panned the Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's attempt to adopt a bump stock ban via consent, calling it a distraction and a fake problem for lawmakers. He was very vocal against this selection initial selection of David Chipman to be the head of the ATF. He said in a article that David Chipman is the worst kind of gun grabber, uninterested in people's rights, or whether gun seizures even work. In that same column, Vance acknowledged that the unacceptably high rates of violent crime, but asserted that the Democrats arguments for gun control rest on a series of falses. He said, on its face, this sounds reasonable. We do have high rates of gun violence and we do have sky high rates of gun ownership, but it's helpful to zoom in and when you do, you find that the areas of our country with the highest gun ownership rates have the lowest homicide rates. So he acknowledges that in his one of his speeches, in his acceptance speech, he, he told a story that went, that his mama died. They were cleaning out her house and they found 19 loaded handguns in that House, and he concluded that, you know, as she grew older, she was not very mobile and that she wanted something to protect her. A loaded firearm within reach from wherever she was in that house. And he celebrated that. And I believe J. D. Vance is going to be a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment and is going to be somebody in there fighting. And I think J. D. Vance is really one of the best selections could have been made for the VP candidate. He was my primary choice all along. He was not This uniparty candidates and what one thing that says a lot about J. D. Vance is that the people that were most vocal against him says a lot one primarily being Lindsey Graham, who up until the last day was arguing fiercely, apparently, with Donald Trump not to select JD Vance. And that tells me a lot that if Jay, if Lindsey Graham doesn't want him, that tells me that he's probably the one that we needed to have. So I think it's good news that we have JD Vance as our candidate, because he's going to carry on the MAGA movement. He is a. He is the future of it. And as Donald Trump moves on and passes that torch, I think J. D. Vance will be a great one to be carrying it. So I celebrate it. I'm happy for it. We've got a lot, a lot to, to do, a long way to go. The campaign is just getting started. The Democrats are in disarray. They keep saying that Biden's going to drop out. And then the camp White House says Biden's not dropping out. Everybody has come out, essentially, Obama Schumer, all of them are coming out saying, you know, we need to have him step down. So, if he doesn't, the Democrats have written all of Trump's campaign ads. They've all, have, there's quotes. audio of them saying that Joe Biden is not fit to be president and needs to step down. So we just need to run those on a loop. If he doesn't step down, if he does, who's going to replace him? That's still yet to be determined. But right now we need to celebrate the direction that the Republican Party is actually going. Finally, that we've got Donald Trump in there. He is a strong leader. You can't his strength is seen by how he responded to this attempted attack. He got up and said, you know, let's fight, fight, fight. And now he chose JD Vance to be right there along with him. And I think we're on, we have a great ticket and we will be able to Definitely fight, fight, fight. But then it comes to us. We have to carry that on. We have to do the heavy lifting. We have to get these votes in. It's not, you know, it's not how many people vote. It's how many ballots there are. Remember that. And so it's going to be, it's not over. It's not going to be, let's not talk about landslides or anything of that nature. So thank you for listening. I hope you you Celebrate the selection of J. D. Vance. I believe he's going to be great for the party, great for the ticket, great for our country and until later, have a great one and I'll talk to you later.

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