Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights

Anti-Second Amendment Democratic National Convention

August 24, 2024 Jeff Dowdle Episode 215
Anti-Second Amendment Democratic National Convention
Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
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Welcome to the Live2Shoot Podcast. My name is Jeff Dowdle, and I am the licensed firearm dealer for the last 17 years, and this podcast will talk about all things related to the Second Amendment, as well as anything else going on in the world, or a sports story, or anything else that I might find interesting. So welcome, welcome, welcome. Today is Friday and the Democrat National Convention ended last night. I did not watch a bit of it. I followed all the coverage of it, but I didn't watch any of it. Was not interested in any of those clowns. But you know, they did come out with their Their platform during that week then Kamala Harris you know, she spoke last night and, you know, nothing unusual, but you know, as it pertains to the Second Amendment, nothing, you know, is new under the sun in their platform. They talk about Democrats will establish universal background checks. It says we will once again ban assault weapons in high capacity magazines. Democrats will end the gun industry's immunity from liability so gun makers can no longer escape accountability. We will pass a national red flag law to prevent tragedies by keeping weapons out of dangerous hands. End. Because the gun violence epidemic is a public health crisis, we will fund gun violence research across the Centers for Disease Control at the CDC and the National Institute of Health, the NIH. Those are the two organizations that brought us COVID. Yes, we want to put them in charge of our guns. And they, they came up to how the best way to handle COVID. And I can tell you what they're going to say when they, and I've been talking about this before about them making decisions. Guns, a national health risk and, you know, putting it under the CDC and then the CDC saying we're going to, we're going to ban those, you know, that's the best way to do it. And then the end it says in President Biden's second term, I love this, in their platform. They didn't even edit out. They didn't do a find and replace or anything. And President Biden's second term, he will continue selecting judges who will protect fundamental rights and who represent the diversity of the American experience. Meaning, you know, we will take away judges that are, you know, anti Second Amendment. In her speech last night, she said, In this election, many other fundamental freedoms are at stake. The freedom to live safe from gun violence in our schools, communities, and places of worship. So, you know, no surprise, the Democrats want to take your guns. We've been talking about that forever. But here's the thing that is a little bit more, even more concerning. We've talked about how radical they are. But, as we go through time We're getting more and more radical. And Kamala and Tim Walz are the most radical we've seen. And that's just evidenced by a few statements they said. And they, you know, when they say the quiet part out loud and you hear it and you realize if you extrapolate that to other things what that can mean. So Kamala's solution to rising prices is price caps. She wants to go in and tell grocery stores you cannot charge any more than X for a bottle, a gallon of milk. She basically wants to put the government in control of the economy. The grocery stores, the food, the pricing, whatever it is. You know, a total communist, total socialist approach. In another speech, she talks about taking away patents for companies that don't do what they want them to do. That she will snatch, that's her word, their patents. And she says, and this is, this is really the key. to their her approach and what she, what she thinks may be different is she says somebody in the crowd says, can you do that? She says, yes, we can do it. It's not about whether or not you, we can do it. It's about whether or not you have the will to do it. The will. And she says, I have the will, meaning. Anything she wants to do, as long as you have that will to do it, she will get it done. And she will take your patents. She will control your prices. The other thing, I mean, this is even, you know, other things that are, you know, she, they want to implement a tax on unrealized capital gains. I know this Guns podcast, but this is big stuff So if your house goes up 100, 000 in appraised value over the over the year She wants to be implemented which is good. You're gonna have a tax of 25, 000 on that if it then drops down The next year you don't get that 25, 000 back that goes for your stocks your 401ks Cryptocurrency Bitcoin your baseball card collection, gold, silver you might own, all those things, if it goes up, they're gonna tax you for, and so what do you have to do? What happens, let's say Like I have a rent house, and it's gone up, it's doubled in value since I bought that house. And so it's been a very good investment. But, if they were to come back now and say, and now you owe 150, 000 in taxes, I couldn't do that. I would have to sell the house to pay the taxes. People may have to sell, you know, sell their stocks to pay the taxes. And what's that going to do? It's going to crush the market. It's going to crush the housing market because then there's going to be so many houses on the market that they cannot be sold. Prices will plummet. Okay. And now where are you at? You're, you're in a recession. You're in a depression. But. The government will be in control. They will be helping. They will be taking care of it. They will implement solutions. I am sure of it. So this week just showed us the Democrats are who we've always thought they are. They're not any different. And they're going to come after our guns. They have the will to do it. This is the most radical. She's even more radical than Joe Biden. And once they get in And they, they start, they, they have no control, no restrictions in to do what they want to do. They don't have an election they have to worry about. It's gonna get crazy. She will start putting in price controls, raising taxes, taking away our guns, so. This is a mockery of, Our, our founding and we have to end this. So again, as I've always said, every podcast, we have to continue to fight. We have to protect our freedom. We have to protect those constitutional rights, those inalienable rights given to us by our creator. And to do that, we're going to have to make sure that Kamala and Tim Walls are not put into office. So I appreciate you listening. Share this podcast like it, follow it, do whatever. Tell your friends. Register to vote. Do all those things. Talk to your neighbor. Tell them what's going on. Make sure everybody knows what this administration would be like. Thank you and have a great day.

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