Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights

1776 Report - Reverence for Laws and the Conclusion

April 04, 2021 Jeff Dowdle Episode 64
1776 Report - Reverence for Laws and the Conclusion
Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
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Welcome to the leadership podcast. My name is Jeff Dow and this is the final of our bonus episodes on the 1776 report. Reverence for the laws, the principle of equality and consent mean that all are equal before the law. Well one, if both law and no one is privileged to ignore the law just as no one is outside law in terms of its protections. In a lie fam address, a young Abraham Lincoln. Lauren of two results of a growing disregard for the rule of law. The first is mob rule. Whenever the fishes portion of our population shall be permitted to gather in bands of hundreds and thousands. And burn churches, ravage and Rob provision stores. Throw printing presses into rivers, shoot editors and hang and burn obnoxious persons at pleasure and with impunity and depend upon it. The government cannot last unquote. But Lincoln, also one of those of great ambition. The thirst for distinction and although quote. Eve would be as willing, perhaps more so acquire it by doing. That's hard. Yeah, that opportunity being passed and nothing left to be done in the way of building up, he would set boldly to the task of pulling down unquote. Whether it's the left or the right both mob rule and Ty radical rule by like the rule of law, because both are rule by the base passions rather than the better angels of our nature. Both equally threatened our constitutional order. When crimes go unpunished or when good men do nothing, lawless and spirit will become lawless in practice leading to violence and demagoguery. Patriotic education must have its center. A respect for the rule of law, including the declaration and the constitution. So that we have what John Adams called it government of laws and not of men. In the end Lincoln solution must be ours. Quote, let every American. Every lover of Liberty. Every well wisher to his posterity. What are the revolution never to violate in the least particular, the laws. And never to tolerate their violation by others. As the Patriots of 76. Did to Sue to the support of the declaration of independence. So to the support of the constitutional laws, let every American pledge his life, his property and its sacred honor. But every man remember that to violate the law is to trample on the blood of his father and to tear the character of his own and his children's Liberty. Let reverence for the laws be breathed by every American mother. To the. Lisping, babe, that paddles on her lap. Let it be taught in schools, in seminaries and in colleges. Let it be written in prime or spelling books and in dominic's let it be preached from the pulpit proclaimed in legislation halls and enforced in courts of justice Conclusion on the hundred 50th anniversary of the signing of the declaration of independence, president Calvin Coolidge raised the immortal banner in his time. Quote, it is often asserted. He said that the world has made a great deal of progress since 1776. And then we may therefore, well discard their conclusions for something more modern, but that reasoning cannot be applied to this great charter. If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with an inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers. From the consent of the government that is final, no advance, no progress. Can they made beyond these propositions? Americans founding principles are true. Not because any generation, including our own have lived them perfectly. But because they are based upon the eternal truth of the human condition. They are eroded in our capacity for evil and power for good. Our law and striving for justice, our need for order and our love of above all these principles recognize the worth equality, potential dignity, and Gloria, each and every man, woman and child created in the image of God throughout our history. Now are heroes, men and women, young and old, black and white. Of many face and from all parts of the world have changed America for the better, not by abandoned these truths, but by appealing to them, Upon these universal ideals, they built a great nation. You. If I had a strong people and formed a beautiful way of life worth defending. To be an American means something noble and good. It means treasuring freedom and embracing the vitality of self-government. You're shaped by the beauty, bounty and wilderness of our continent. We are United by the glory of our history and they're distinguished by the American virtues of openness, honesty, optimism, determination, generosity, confidence, kindness, hard work, courage, and hope. Uh, principles that do not create these virtues, but they laid the groundwork for them to grow and spread and forge America into the most just and glorious country in all of human history. As we approach the 250th anniversary of our independence. We must resolve to teach future generations of Americans an accurate history. And our controller. I think principals, once again, We must must renew the pride and gratitude we have for this incredible nation. And we are blessed to call home. When we appreciate America for what she truly is, we know that our declaration is worth preserving our constitution war, defending our fellow citizens worth loving and our country worth fighting for. Is our task now to renew this commitment. So we proclaim in the words, our forefathers used to. And half centuries ago. Quote for the support of this declaration with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. And that is the 1776 report. I encourage you to download it and read it and keep it and save it and share it with others. It is important that as it says, that we teach our upcoming generations the truth about our American founding.

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