Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
John Moses Browning
We discuss the greatness of John Moses Browning and his firearm designs.
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Welcome to the Live To Shoot podcast. My name is Jeff Dole, and this podcast is talk about all things related to the Second Amendment. Anything else going on in today's news or a personal story or a sports story that I might throw in? So welcome, welcome, welcome. One thing I may have talked about in the past that I am, I am a. Big fan of history. I love history, love all things this history, and then primarily American history for the most part fascinates me. I think this country is great and learning how we came to be just is a, a story that needs to be studied, but also a part of that history are our firearms. And start thinking about, you know, the greatest firearm designers. Who are they? Who do you think it is? Is it Samuel Colt and the Revolver? Is it Eugene Stoner in the AR 15 M 16 platform? Mihail, Koff and the AK 47, or John Browning and the multitude of firearms that he designed well, Arguments made for all of'em. I'm probably gonna eventually talk about all of'em and maybe more I'm gonna spend a little bit more time on during weeks when there's some downtime, maybe talking about other things, more history rated related about how firearms came to be and, and things like that. But if you look at John Moses Browning, you can't argue that he is not one of the greatest. His resume is impressive. He's granted 128 patents for his work. In addition to the patents, he also designed seven different cartridges. The 25 a ccp, 32 a ccp 38 a c p, the Browning nine mil, the nine millimeter browning long, the th three 80 a c p, the 45 acp and the 50 bmg. And he's also a member of the National Minerals Hall of Fame for his patent on the breach loading firearm. It's pretty impressive. But one common misconception about Browning is that John Browning designed firearms for browning firearms, and in fact, browning firearms are firearms was actually established. After his death. The majority of his designs, especially his earlier ones, were for Winchester and Cult. And then in addition to Win and Chester and Cult, he also designed for fn, Remington, and Savage. But towards the end of his life, he was working with FN and actually died while working for him. And we'll talk a little bit about that. But little history on John Browning. He was born a Mormon settler in Ogden, Utah in January 20. Now 1855, his parents, Jonathan Browning and Elizabeth Clark were Mormons who settled in Utah after the Mormon Exodus in 1847. His dad was a gunsmith himself, and Jonathan after often had young John in the shop. Alongside with him wearing, he learned the concepts of manufacturing, engineering, and then the older Browning also encouraged experimentation and by the age of. John had created his first firearm from a, just a collection of pieces that he'd gathered and, and by the time he was 18, John had taken over his father's family business. So he was quite prolific when he was young, and he found his calling quickly. He browning John Brown. One of the reasons I'm talking about him first is he's responsible for two of my favorite firearms, the, the 1911. And the browning high power. Now the high power wasn't finished until after his death, but he was responsible for the major design elements of it. And I think these two are just two of the finest handguns ever. But like I said, his most successful designs were the 1911 pistol, the water cooled M 1917. The air cooled M 1918 and the heavy M two machine guns the M 1918. B a r and the Browning Auto five were the first semi-automatic shotguns. And then some of these arms are still manufactured often with only minor changes in cosmetics for to those that was originally his design. And the Browning, 1911 and high power are some of the most copied firearms in the world, so Browning. A he was a prolific designer. Like I said, we had 128 patents. And while he continually designed and he, he, he was a worker, he continued to work and work. In fact, he died at his workbench working for fn. But his designs, he continued to modify his design. And one of the things that I've heard that people. Tried to explain his genius was he was unique. He had this ability at, at mental spatial manipulation. They said he could visibly, he could create visual mechanical objects in his mind, kind of like a CAD drawing, iterably manipulated and, you know, fashion various things to him. And then, Reduce that design in his head into metal directly. And he never used any kind of blueprints. He did everything in his head and in it with his hands, which is amazing. He was an amazing designer with a lot of amazing techniques and he had a special gift, and I think we should be thankful that he used that gift for, for what? It was used for, defining some of the most fantastic firearms in the world. So was he the greatest? But if you look at the scope of work, He's up there, he is on the Mount Rushmore of firearm designers. Who's on your fi Mount Rushmore list of firearm designers. What's your favorite firearm? What, what do you, what do you think are cool? Let me know. We'll talk about some of these as we move along through the year, but I wanna start with John Moses Browning cuz you know, I, I think he's the pinnacle and we all owe a tip of the hat to him for his designs and what he's done for the firearms. Just think it's great. So I appreciate you listening. You know, share this podcast, enjoy it. Let me know your thoughts, give me feedback. Appreciate anything you have to say, and until later, take.