Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights

Another Executive Order Attacking the 2nd Amendment

Jeff Dowdle Episode 156

Welcome to the Live Shoot podcast. My name is Jeff Dole and I've been a licensed firearm dealer for the last 15 years. In this podcast, we talk about all things related to the Second Amendment, as well as my throw in a sports story or something else going on in the local news. So welcome, welcome, welcome. Well our president, he is added again. He has issued a new executive order, and I'm just gonna run through this executive order, but first I'm gonna start with some of his comments that he made. And it is, it's just, I will miss when he's not president and listening to him get on the mic. It is always entertaining at, at least but it is, it's disheartening that we have such a bumbling, I don't know if fool's the right word, but a, as our president, so. This is his words about the executive order. So I'm just gonna read some of'em. This is from the transcript and I would play the audio, but I thought I'd just read the transcript a little bit. First. This executive order helps keep firearms out of dangerous hands as I continue to call on Congress. To require background checks for all firearms. And in the meantime, my executive order directs my Attorney General to take every lawful action possible. Possible to move us as close as we can to Universal Pro. Universal background checks without new legislation. So again, here it is. This is a key thing. They are doing everything they can to avoid Congress, whatever they can do to not have to write new laws because they know they can't get'em past, but they're trying to use their executive powers, the executive order. Expands public awareness campaigns about raid, flag orders, the loss, which my son tear heartstrings again. When he, before he died, attorney General de Wa was a great proponent of, and an and, and instituted it. The second thing, this executive door, second thing it does, the executive order ramps up our efforts to hold the gun industry accountable. It's the only outfit you can't sue these days. Think this is his first lie in this. It doesn't that by calling out for an independent government study that analyzes and exposes how gun manufacturers aggressively market firearms to civilians, especially minors, including by using military image it, and it directs the eternal GE general to public or release publicly. Publicly public release, publicly release alcohol, tobacco, and firearms inspection, reports of firearm dealers who were cited for violations of the law and that that way policymakers can strengthen laws to crack down on these illegal gun dealers and the public can avoid purchasing from them. And then he says, and I am determined once again to ban assault weapons in high capacity magazines. I led the fight in. To ban them in 1994. In the 10 years that law was in place, mass shootings went down. Our Republican friends let it expire and it, and 10 years later, and mass shootings tripled since sin tripled. So let's finish the job. Banana assault weapons, ban them again. Do it now enough. Do something. Then he ends in scripture. Folks, let these, let me close with his. This scripture says the Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. A lot of us have been there, so again. First off, his comment about the assault weapon ban, 1994 laws, mass shootings tripled. It's just a lie. He's used this before. There was a Department of Justice, this National Institute of na, the Department of Justice's, national Institute of Justice, that released the report in in 2004 as the assault bans was coming to an end. And the information that study dovetails perfectly with the, an observation as much as the N I G ERs, researchers could not credit the assault weapons ban with any of the reductions in crime or shooting, which were sporadically reported elsewhere. The N I G report says we cannot clearly credit the ban with any of the nation's recent drop in violence. And indeed, there has been no discernible reduction in the lethality and injur. Injur of gun violence. The, in the n I G report continued. The ban's effect on gun violence are likely to be small at best and perhaps too small for relevant, a reliable measure. So he continues to spout that. It's a, it's a lie. It's just misinformation as they'd like to say. What is some of the points in the executive order? Let's go through them. So in the executive order, it directs the president's cabinet to one, increase the number of background checks by ensuring that all background checks required by law are conducted before firearm purchases. Moving the US as close to universal background checks as possible without additional legislation. One executive order, some. Is now what it's gonna do is it's gonna go to the ATF and they're going to have to figure out a way to implement this. So I don't know what they're going to do without writing new laws. Banning the sale, private, private sale of, of firearms improve public awareness and increase appropriate use of extreme risk protection orders and safe storage of firearms. We've got many means of protection orders out there already. Most of them proved to be ineffective, but we continue to bang this drum that this is going to solve Our problems address the loss of theft of firearms during shipping. A bureau of Alcohol tobacco firearms data indicates that over 150% over an over 250% increase in the number of firearms reported. Has lost or stolen during shipment between federally licensed farm dealers from roughly 1700 and 2018 to more than 6,100 in 2022. President Biden is directly is directing the Secretary of Transportation and consult That's our wonderful Pete Budgie. He's, he's on the job. No need to worry in consultation with the Department of Justice to work to reduce the loss of theft of firearms during shipment, and to prove reporting of such losses or thefts, including by engaging with carriers and shippers. I don't know. I have not heard this. I've not experienced loss of firearms. I've, I think I've had one in, in the 15 years I've done it. I've had one loss 1700. To sixty one hundred and twenty twenty two. You also have to understand there's been a spike in the number of firearm sales during that period because of the Biden administration. I don't know, you know, what the, how those relate to the, you know, what percentage increase. And what's been the result of these firearms being lost? Are they, are they showing up in crime scenes? What, what is why? I mean again, What's, what's, what's the impact? The in executive order directs the president's cabinet to provide the public and policymakers with information regarding federally licensed firearm dealers who are violating the law. Gun dealers violating the federal law put us all at risk by increasing likelihood that firearms will fall into dangerous hands. So he's coming after the ffl. Going to go after them for minor violations. That's where this is heading. The budget that they just released doubles the budget of the atf, so just like they're gonna put 87,000 IRS agents out there, they're doubling the number of agents, and those agents are coming after the legal and lawful FFLs. I'll probably be on their radar one because it's podcast two, because I'm a home dealer and for minor violations and taking those. Taking away our license. And then if you can't buy firearm, You don't need to ban'em, you just keep it for people. Can't get'em. US department defense acquisition of firearms to use the Department of Defense acquisition of Firearms to further firearm and public safety practices. I'm not sure what all this is about. It's this, the Department of Defense buys a large number of firearms, other weapons to protect and serve our country. The present is directing the Secretary of Defense to develop an. Principles to further firearm and public safety practices through Department of Defense acquisition firearms consistent with that law. I'm not sure what this means, but I am a little concerned that we're getting the military involved in our local our, our gun laws help, you know, help catch shooters by accelerating federal law, enforce'em to report on on ballistics data. Accelerate and testify implementation of the Bipartisan Savers Community Act. That's what put in place, you know, last summer, improved federal support for gun violence survivors, victims, and and survivor families first responders to gun Violence and Community Act affected by gun violence. I don't have any qualms with that. And then Advanced congressional efforts to prevent the proliferation of firearms undetectable by metal detectors. So this is the 3D printing of firearms, and this manufactured the home manufacturer of firearms. That is what they're going after there. I, I didn't, didn't find, remember where it is, but. In the executive order, but they're, they're going after the, the gun dealers. He heard Joe or the gun manufacturers heard Joe Biden say that that's the only industry you can't sue. You can sue just like anything else, if they do build an effective product and there's injury or death resulting of an effective product. They, they can be sued. Just like if the car, your brakes, they build a car and your brakes don't work. You can sue, you can sue GM and Ford. You can't sue GM Ford if you are texting and you run and you kill somebody. And that is the, the line that we're here. But now what they're, the way they're going after'em is they're going after'em for the deceptive marketing practices. They're gonna go after their marketing campaigns and, and use that against them. Again, always say they're looking for every way to get our guns. This is another way they're going after our Second Amendment rights. The executive orders, you know, don't go through Congress. He's going to be implementing new rules to the atf, adding ATF agents, doubling their budget. They're coming for us, keep paying bounding this drum. So be diligent. You know, contact your congressman vote. And we've gotta spread the word, spread this podcast to people, let'em know what's going on. This executive order's kind of flying under the, the radar for a lot of people, but they're coming after our guns. They are You know, you saw that there was a story where they were working with hospitals trying to get the hospitals to get people to sign away their rights, to, to have firearms. And I was our fbi. So the administrative state of the United States government is dangerous and we have to watch'em and keep'em under control. So I appreciate you listening. Share this podcast, listen to it on Fountain, do all those things I talk about and all the other ones, and let's keep up the fight. Thanks and have a good day.

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