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The Regime's Attacks on Trump and the Fight for Freedom

Jeff Dowdle Episode 166

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In this passionate and emotionally charged episode I   expresses his frustrations and concerns about the recent indictment of former President Donald Trump. 

I  raise concerns about the increasing government control over citizens' lives, exemplified by the actions of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and the attempted regulation of cryptocurrencies by the SEC. These actions infringe upon individual freedoms and erode the principles on which the United States was founded.
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Mark Levine:

Is this some kind of a sick joke on the American people? Joe Biden says he never told them what to do. Joe Biden had to sign off on let's becoming a National Archives case to have a go to the Department of Justice. Who does he think he's lying to? The American people. This is a guy that's got documents from the time he was in the US Senate for God's sakes in his garage. I don't want to hear from the legal analysts that technicalities about false statements and obstruction. There should never have been a criminal case. Willful retention of documents. Well, what's the un willful retention of documents mean? They're throwing all these process crimes and all these crimes that grow out of the criminal investigation against Trump. What did he do with the documents? Did he sell'em to the enemy? No. That's why we have an espionage act, not the trick of a president. What did he do? Did he burn them all? No. The government has all the documents back, so there is no violation of the Presidential Records Act at this point. But they throw the book at him. They go after his attorneys, they make them testify. They're attorneys under the crime fraud exception to attorney-client privilege. That means he didn't have due process. His own lawyers were being subjected to interrogations and they had hundreds of in person people testifying in front of grand juries. Thousands of collections of documents for what? For what? And they indict'em today. They indict'em today in Miami. All of a sudden it's in Miami. All of a sudden we have a Florida grand jury cuz the moron in Washington figured out that there are venue issues. That could lose him. His case. This guy, this prosecutor, he lost eight to zero in the US Supreme Court when they overturned the conviction of the former governor of Virginia. Because this jerk took a statute and expanded it. A jury in North Carolina wouldn't convict John Edwards cause this jerk took a campaign statute and expanded it. And he's taken this case. And he's undermining the country and he's interfering with a presidential election. And let me be clear, as Jared said, the Attorney General of the United States made this final decision. This is not the independent counsel statute. This is a special counsel appointed by the Attorney General under a Department of Justice regulation. This attorney General who pretends he's Helen Keller, he made the decision to indict the former president and they made the decision to interfere in this election. You wanna talk about an insurrection. This is an insurrection, and that's exactly what's going on here. Let me go on. Joe Biden is the crookedest crook that's ever been in the Oval Office. Everywhere we look, there's a predicate for a special counsel. They won't appoint a special counsel, even though it's compelled under the law in which they appointed this special counsel. And you're not supposed to appoint a special counsel against your political opponent. You're supposed to appoint one in the case of Biden. 20 shell corporations, 10 million coming from the communist Chinese military. Spread out among the family. No businesses to support this. Endless meetings. Endless meetings with, with Biden's with Hunter Biden's business partners, Bob Olinsky, who ties Joe Biden to the crimes. Mr. Big, Mr. 10%. And what does Biden say? Well then where's the money he's asking us? Come and catch me if you can. The idea that this man is ist under a criminal investigation and that they criminalize the damn document case to go after Donald Trump is sickening. And I would say this to our fellow Americans. Don't be bamboozled by these cable channels and these fools who come on and tell you, well, he's not above the law. Are you kidding me? Democrat Attorney General in New York, Democrat prosecutor in Manhattan, Democrat prosecutor in Atlanta, Democrat Attorney General in Washington, DC What do you mean? He's not above the law? There is no law. What's going on here is a disgusting disgrace. It is War on Trump. It is War on the Republican Party and it is a war on the republic. The radical left is doing what the radical left does while they cover up for Biden, the way they cover it up for Hillary. If Donald Trump. Is to be charged like this. Hillary Clinton should have been charged with 10,000 counts of obstruction because that's how many emails she destroyed, and five counts of destroying cell phones because that's how many cell phones they destroyed. I'm done and I'm sick of it.


This is the Live Cheat podcast. I'm Jeff Dotel and now is the great one, Mark Levine. And I'm done and I'm sick of it as well. I played that opening. Just so I, I really hadn't seen anybody express how I feel about this indictment president Trump as much as I did for those four minutes of, of mark, or five minutes, I guess, of Mark Levine Levine, and. I just wanted to share it because we are in a place now. We have gone way past the Rubicon of this indictment of President Trump. They are now full on waging war against us, and this regime will stop at nothing to take keep control. Actually, they have control and this is just more evidence. Of what they're gonna do. They are after all of us. And if they can go after President Trump, they can go after any one of us. This puts us in the same population as Putin and Russia. Kim Jon in North Korea. The Iman and Iran the leaders that arrest and jail, their political opponents, this is what's done in communist countries. They just hide away those that are threats to the regime. And that is what they're doing. That's what they're doing. The J six ERs they are, and. And that's what they're doing trying to do with President Trump. That's what they're gonna try and do with anybody that goes against their plans. And we have got to fight. This is not about, this is not about the Second Amendment today. This is about the country. The Second Amendment is a big part of it. You look at the ATF and what they're doing and the power that they're trying to. To wield and control over us and overstep their authority. And that's what this is all about, overstepping their authority, going beyond what the Constitution allows. They all need to read the Constitution because they don't have the authority to do these things. And. It's becoming more and more evident and we cannot sit back and, and take it. If you think this is just, oh, you know, I don't like him. He makes some mean tweets and maybe he did something the wrong baloney. That is not what this is about. This is about keeping control, keeping us down and telling us to shut up and behave because we are threats to what the they're trying to do. And that is to turn us into a Communist nation that is ruled by the government. We just, like Klaus Schwab said, we will own nothing and we will be happy. We, that is not the United States of America. I talk about another example is I, you know, I talk about Bitcoin on this podcast and we're at what the, how important I think of it is because, one, it's freedom it's not controlled by the government is in line with the, the ideologies of a free state and. We have an s e c Commissioner, Gary Ginsler, who is, he's come out right now and said it that he's the commissioner of the S E c, which is an enforcement. He doesn't make laws. They're an enforcement, but through enforcement, he's trying to eliminate cryptocurrency. He said it himself. We don't need any more digital currency. We've already got the US dollar, which is digitized. We don't need anymore. He's trying. He's the regulation. He's trying to eliminate e suing Coinbase and Binance, the two biggest exchanges out there, and he's trying to shut them down for being the legal exchanges again, because they want to control everything and if they control your money, They control everything cuz then they can start shutting you down completely and you can't even pay your bills without bowing a knee to the regime. And that is what they want us to do. They want us to bow our knee and there's only one person and that's Jesus Christ that I bow my knee to. And that as he says, everybody will bow your knee at some point to him. And. I tell you what this is. This is a political battle. This is a faith battle. This is a battle of good and evil, and there are demonic forces out there that are attempting to take over this country because Israel and the United States, they're the only two quick countries that are based on God's principles and he knows it. Meaning Satan and he's coming after him. He's come after Israel, has been under attack ever since the form, since the the the Jews walked into the Promised Land and now the United States is their principles is the great country of the world is under attack. And again, we have to fight. And so all I'm doing is I want to, we're gonna win this war, but we have to fight and you have to be willing to get dirty. And so, Get down, get dirty and fight because I am sick of it and we all should be sick of it. And whenever we watch it, and I don't know who you want for president or not, but I can tell you this, there's only one man that's gonna be able to fight this battle, and that's President Trump. He's done it. If we go and I like Ron DeSantis and if we nominate Ron DeSantis and he starts. Implementing Trump, like America first policies. Those that are what we need to go against the regime to clean out the swamp. They're gonna do this to him and again and again. And ask yourself, can he stand up to it? Can he stand up to the fire? I don't know. I don't know if there's anybody out there besides President Trump that is willing to stand up for the fire. And they said, you know, if he would just not run for president, he wouldn't be dealing with this. So why? Why is he putting himself through this? It's not for money, it's not for power, it's not for fame. He's got all those, he wants the best for this country, and he sees it. I think there's an anointing on him for this purpose, but I don't want to go too far beyond my, my my reach of of expertise. So again, I'm tired, I'm angry. I'm sick of it. Get out there and fight. I appreciate everybody listening. I know this. It's just more of a rant. It helps me get off, get this off my system, and maybe I'll have some updates on the pistol bra rule next week. See what happens. It's the, the rule is actually supposed to make it to the floor for vote next week. We'll see what happens with some of these lawsuits, if any, any movement happens and Anything else that happens to develop out there in our Second Amendment community or anything like I always say that I think is interesting, and this is, this is more important than anything that we have right now, and that is we have to support President Trump, take care and have a great day.

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