Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
Happy New Year - A Legend Passes Away
In this episode we discuss possible changes for 2024 and the passing of Gaston Glock.
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Happy New Year and welcome to the Live2Shoot podcast. In this podcast, we talk about all things related to the Second Amendment as well as anything else going on in the news or a story in my personal life or anything else that might be interesting. So welcome, welcome, welcome. I hope everybody had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Today's January 1st and just got on to just wish everybody a Happy New Year have a brief conversation about maybe some changes in the podcast and just kind of give Little taste of what I might be doing coming up in the future. So as we look to 2024, I've been thinking about, you know, what do I really want to do with the podcast? And I'm going to continue to, you know, keep updated on, you know, stories as it pertains to the second amendment, gun control our rights and our protections and our freedoms, plus other stories going on in the news as it pertains to anything that might be important as it pertains to our freedom and such. But. You know, my, one of my biggest interest and fascinations is history. And so I thought I would just start integrating in, you know, more episodes that might just be about history and start building stories out about how things came to be and understand, you know, where did a particular firearm come from? How was it designed? Who was the designer? Those types of things. And so. You know, I'm curious to get, you know, your opinion. What do you think of that? I'm going to be trying some of that you know, history about firearms, the people that built them, maybe a little bit, a lot, but around the revolutionary war, because to me. Our Second Amendment rights, Revolutionary War, all tied together. So we couldn't have one without the other. And so, I just think it's so interesting. So, for example this past week we lost a great one in the firearm industry, and that was Gaston Glock. He was 94 years old, and he was born in Austria in 1929. And he went on and designed one of the greatest handgun manufacturing companies we have today. One of the largest selling brands of firearms across military, police, civilian use. Everywhere we go. And at the time, it was revolutionary about what he did. But He didn't set out to be a handgun manufacturer. He was actually making curtain rods. And so, and then he expanded, and he started making knives for the Austrian military. And he had these so he developed some experience in polymers. And he had this creative idea about how to make a gun lighter and more durable by using these polymers. And thus, we got the Glock, and the Glock wasn't without controversy one of the strategies that they took early on about trying to expand the brand was, was with Hollywood, and they started introducing the Glock in movies and television shows, and, and people would start seeing it in there as either, you know, the bad guys, the gangsters, all carrying Glocks, and it became more and more popular, but, and, Again, you're stepping on the toes of those that want to, you know. Take away your Second Amendment rights, and so it was a little bit controversial and a little bit out there But they began to dominate the handgun market globally and that was really because of Gaston Glock, his ingenuity, his determination, and without Gaston Glock Firearms industry would be a totally different place today and we owe a debt to him for being innovative Being willing to go out there and take a chance. And so on this New Year's Day We just look back last week's death of Gaston Glock at 94 and we just tip our hat to him We thank him for what he did and what he provided us in the firearms world. So Well, this is a little bit of how I'm going to do things still gonna try and keep the episodes, you know, under 10 minutes, relatively short, just a little quick bits of information about, you know, that some of the history or stories out there from the past, but, and I might even make them, you know, a series where we continue to talk through them and we may have a whole series on Colt or a series on Glock or Samuel Colt or something like that. And Episodes numbers may be different so you can group them or sort them and listen to them that way and they'll just come out periodically through the year. We'll see, still playing around with it, but hope everybody's having a happy new year. Let's look forward to a great 2024. Hopefully things will be better in 2024. Got my doubts. I think things are going to be a little rocky. But we can keep praying for that and sharing a podcast, give it out to others. If you like it, contact me, let me know, reach out, email me all my stuff's in the, in the notes and appreciate you listening and have a happy new year.