Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
The Bible is Anti-Sematic?
Is this we discuss a new bill that makes free speech Anti-Sematic and even having a bible study could have the FBI raiding your home.
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Welcome to the Live to Shoot Podcast. My name is Jeff Dowdler and I've been a licensed firearm dealer for the last 17 years. In this podcast, we talk about all things related to the amendment, as well as anything else going on in the world sports story or anything else you might find interesting. So welcome, welcome, welcome. First, before we get started, I want to call out my stars and Mavericks who have gone on to take a three games to two lead in both of their series. And tonight they. Both have an opportunity to clinch their series and move on to the next round of the playoffs. It's very exciting. And the way the both of their series started, I didn't think we would be here. It was very touch and go there. The Stars went down 0 2 at home. The Mavericks, in their first game, didn't look like they'd ever played basketball before. But, it's exciting. Anyway not much going on. I took a break last week and still kind of quiet in the 2A world. I mean, I say that, I mean, there's stuff flurrying around and there's plenty to talk about and other things, but I don't feel like it, you know, the last topic I talked about was, you know, how much of our, our rights can the government take away and, you know, that continues, they just passed a bill. It's you know, you know, banning anti Semitism, basically. I don't remember what the exact friendly name of it is. But it's actually banning free speech, if you say anything. And again, I am pro Israel, pro Jewish community I support Israel. I believe the American people, the American nation need to support Israel. I believe that my savior will return. And before he, to do that, Israel has to be a nation. And all those pieces are in place, so don't get me wrong. In any way about my lack of love for Israel, the nation the Jewish people or anything like that. Are they perfect? No, but humans aren't perfect. Have they made mistakes? Yeah, they made a lot of mistakes. Just read the Bible, but to pass this law to say that basically anything that you potentially could say against Israel is now considered anti semitic and is against the law. Even the Bible, there is a statement in there that says that if you did, if you say that the Jewish people were responsible for killing Jesus. You break the law. You break this law. Now read the Bible and read what it says. And while the Romans were the ones that actually crucified Jesus, the Jewish people were complicit in that. And for a variety of different reasons, but So they're banning the Bible. They are saying even if you come up and say that Say anything about the Israeli government you're being anti semitic. So again, let's just strike down our Free speech because it continues to how are they gonna use this now? I can see the Justice Department rolling in to my son's Friday evening Bible study that he does and and shutting them down, arresting them, a bunch of college kids, taking them off to jail, federal prison. It's a federal law because they were being anti semitic because they were reading the bible, reading the bible. Now you may say that's a stretch, that's never gonna happen. Look around, look around what's going on, look around. Right now our president is in in court for writing a check to his attorney, for borrowing money and paying it back, back on his properties for having confidential documents, which he's the sole authority on what can be classified and declassified in his residence. So, and they've using these little minutiae the J sixers, they used the a statute that was written around after Enron because Enron went and shredded all these documents and the statutes that they use for J6 for, for impeding a legal process is now what there's going after the, many of the defendants in J, their J6 cases as well as the president. So, so don't say they won't do it. They will do it. They will definitely do it. We banned TikTok. I'm not a big fan of TikTok. It's Chinese. I think they're manipulating us. I think it's, you know, just giving everybody dopamine hits. But who's now to say that they're not going to come in and ban this podcast because, you know, the software that I'm using is made in China. I don't know. Who knows what they're going to do. Just giving the government any more power than they already have, and especially anything that the justice department can do, it's not a good idea. It's just not a good look. I think, you know, that we need to go in and cut out all these agencies, cut the federal spending. Budget down, look at our, the, our legal statutes that are on the books and just delete them. I mean, let's start over, you know, that's pretty radical. But so, you know, that is why the selection is so important. And I have, you know, I have preached and preached and preached. And then, you know, I mentioned the other day about the diversity of my my audience in terms of where they're located and they're located in a lot of blue states. And one of the things that there is and some of them are quote unquote swing states is. Turning Point Action, Charlie Kirk's organization, and I get nothing for this. This is not, they've come out with an app. Just go to the App Store, Google Play Store, and look for it, and I believe it's called, look for just Turning Point Action, and it can give you information on making calls, knocking on doors, you can pull up a app around a map that shows who are the registered voters in your neighborhood. It gives you a way to reach out and just contact them through a text or an email and just say, Hey, I'm your neighbor. You know, I want to share some information, you know, about voting. Do you need any help voting? Whatever it would be. So if you were in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Minnesota to name a few and any other state we, you know, my goal is that Trump wins, but Trump also, it's a landslide. He gets a hundred million votes, a hundred million, make it so many that they, So that means even those of us in Texas, we need to get out and vote. We need to not rest our hands and say we've got this in ours, let's worry about and watch the polls for these, you know, seven or eight states that are considered important. So, check out that app. It's free. You know, it can help a little bit. I pulled it down, looked at my neighbors and you know, it's shockingly all Republicans, but not, not, nothing unexpected, but anyway I'm going to spend my afternoon, my evening watching some baseball. Basketball and hockey tonight. See what, you know, I'll update you on the standings of those series. When I, when we get an opportunity to come back continue to fight. And I mean, fight, fight, fight. I'm not talking necessarily with your guns or your fists. We've got to fight, got to stand up for everything. And we have to win this election. We have to support president Donald J. Trump. Appreciate it. Have a great weekend. Talk to you later.