Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
2nd Amendment: 8 Key Principles From the Founders Ignored Today
In this episode we talk about the 8 key principals for the 2nd Amendment that are ignored today from the Tenth Amendment Center
Tenth Amendment Center
8 Key Principals of the 2nd Amendment
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Welcome to the Libshoot podcast. My name is Jeff Dottle and I've been a licensed farm dealer for the last 17 years. This podcast, we talk about all things related to the second amendment as well as anything else going in the news or any other interesting story or anything going on in my personal life that I might find interesting. So welcome, welcome, welcome. Have hope everybody's had a great week. I want to share just a little something that I came across from the 10th amendment foundation. And if you're not familiar with them I'll put a link in the show notes to their site. But also if you're not familiar with the 10th amendment, it says that the powers not delegated to the United States by the constitution nor prohibited by it to the states are reserved to the states respectively or to the people. So basically it says that if in the constitution, if it's not specifically said out that this is a role of the government, it's not a role of government. And. So the 10th Amendment Foundation covers a lot of these types of topics. And in this one, this article and this video that they did is based on 8 principles from the founders behind the Second Amendment. And the first point that they make is that the only thing that the ATF is authorized to do in the Second Amendment Constitution is nothing. They need to be disbanded. They are not authorized by the Constitution. These types of agencies are not part of the federal, of our U. S. Constitution. But, here are the eight essential principles that they, that, from our founders, that are behind the Second Amendment that people today don't really think about. First, the right to keep and bear arms is a natural right. I think George Tucker, who was a A member of the Court of Appeals in Revolutionary time, he supported the emancipation of slaves. He wrote, this may be considered as the true Palladium of Liberty, the right of self defense is the first law of nature, the first law of nature. The second amendment. This is the second point. The Second Amendment is not your gun permit. You are. So the, the, the, it's not, the Second Amendment isn't in there to give us a right. The Second Amendment is in there stating that we have this right explicitly to protect it. By nature and that it's just calling that out Since your rights come from the Creator not words on paper Referring to your natural rights to keep and bear arms is your second amendment right couldn't be more wrong So it's no different than you have a right to breathe and That is all the Second Amendment of the state is that we have you have this right 3. 0 is the number of federal gun measures that are authorized by the Constitution. Theophilus Parsons, who was a member of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, he was also part of the state Constitution convention for Massachusetts, and one of the 26 who drafted their Constitution, he said, since no power was given to Congress to infringe on any one of the natural rights of the people. Zero is one of our favorite numbers. Four. Local restrictions are also a violation of your natural rights. The, James Wilson, who is a delegate to the Constitutional Convention and one of the first and a member of the committee that first detailed one of the first drafts of the Constitution, he said, the defense of one's self. Justly called the primary law of nature is not, nor can it be, abrogated by the regulation of municipal law. So not only can the founders believe that it was not the federal government's rule, nor was it a local rule as well, because it is a natural right. There are actually four primary reasons for the Second Amendment. This is their fifth point. It helps promote the individual natural right of self defense. It guarantees the states a militia power of their own to balance the military power of the federal government. In other words, as a preventive measure to prevent the need for the large permanent standing armies. It was adopted to support the people defending against foreign invasion. And it was seen as an essential tool for defending, for defense against domestic tyrants. The sixth point. All this requires that the people have the kind of weapon needed to get the job done. Tentch Cokes summed it up best. Their swords and every other terrible weapon of the soldier are the birthright of an American. And he was also, he was one of the Delegates to the Continental Congress as well. Seventh point. The founders understood that disarming people was the foundation for tyranny. Noah Webster said, Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed. And, the eighth point. A free people claim their rights. Protecting the right to keep and bear arms isn't about convincing politicians or judges to give you permission to do what they want you to do. What you already have permission to do so by the nature of your birth. That's a pop, that's a population on its knees begging for scraps. And Thomas Jefferson said, A free people claim their rights as derived from the laws of nature and not as a gift of their chief magistrate. So again, the Second Amendment is not a gift to us from the government. It is our natural right. So the eight points are, the right to bear arms is a natural right, the second amendment is not your gun permit, you are, zero are the federal number of laws that are gun control measures that are authorized by the constitution, local restrictions are also a violation of your natural rights, there are actually four other primary reasons for the second amendment. All this requires that the people have the kind of weapons needed to get the job done. So, when President Biden says you, when they did the Second Amendment, you weren't authorized to have a tank, or a cannon, I guess is what he says. Yeah, they actually kind of counted on these people to have their cannons as well. And they needed to have the weapons to get it done. The founders understood that disarming people was the foundation of tyranny, and this is one of the most important points. And that free people claim their rights. They're not given to them. So just some points to remember. It's so important about the Second Amendment. I'll put all the links to this in the show notes. But I think it's just key to remember that the Second Amendment is not a right that's given to us that they can then control back and forth. It's our natural right to defend ourselves and that cannot be taken away and that we need to stand up and protect it. And that's why this election is going to be so much more important because they are constantly trying to take it away from us. So I appreciate you listening, share this, get people registered to vote, get out and get to be active. Thank you. Have a great day.