Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
Another School Shooting
In this episode we discuss the recent school shooting in Georgia and its possible impact on the upcoming election.
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Well, welcome to the Live to Shoot podcast. My name is Jeff Doll and I've been a licensed firearm Steeler for the last 17 years. In this podcast, we talk about all things related to the Second Amendment, as well as anything else going on in the world or a sports story. or anything else of interest. So welcome. Welcome. Welcome. Well, this week we had another school shooting and those are always tragic especially when innocents die. And in this case two teachers and two students were killed by a 14 year old shooter that came in the the school. I still haven't seen all the details about, you know, what his motives were but He was interviewed about a year ago came on the radar of the FBI and they investigated him. And so he, because he had made some posts that he was going to do a school shooting. So again, this is one where we knew about the shooter. We, he was on radars and, and nothing happened. The Other interesting fact is that this is just coming right in the middle of a, of the, of the campaign and right before the election and when you, there's no Question about how the left has responded. You know, Kamala Harris said in a a campaign speech that it says, she says it doesn't have to be this way. She called for three gun restrictions including a ban on guns like the AR 15. Which has been, you know, the centerpiece of the leftist policies. She says, Let us finally pass an assault weapons ban and universal background checks and red flag laws. It is a false choice to say you are either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away. Now I will, I will agree with her on, on that. But, The problem is with the left is that they have demonstrated that they do want to take away everyone's guns. She's even called for mandatory buybacks. She's backed away from that. But that is, that is who she is. And what the left is, is they wanna take our guns away. So that we are beholden to them. That is, the purpose of the second amendment second is for hunting. It's not really for self defense. It's protect us from the government from tyranny. President Trump said, you know, he called the the attack on a tragic event carried out by sick. Deranged monster. He also, you know, in a town hall he didn't really discuss the firearm policies, but he said it's a sick and angry world for a lot of reasons and we're going to make it better. We're going to heal our world. We're going to get rid of these wars that are starting all over the place because of incompetent American militias. We're going to make it better. So the, you know, the one fallacy that both sides have, and I say the left and the right in terms of. Policies primarily the left is that we're going to get rid of violence. We're going to get rid of evil This is a fallen world Genesis 1. 1 We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We are all sinners. We're born that way. And evil is evil. It's out there. We have to protect ourselves from it. And that's the purpose of that commandment also, is to protect ourselves. And it's no wonder that these shootings happen in gun free zones. There's soft targets for the, the deranged. Our children, they are, you know being inundated with a lot of just, uh, craziness. And they're not getting help that they need, I don't believe. The schools aren't helping. They're focused on trans and, and gender neutral bathrooms and their pronouns. And they're not really working on, you know, what makes men men and girls girls. I don't know. I think that is what we need to get back to. We need to get back to the basics. We need to get back to where the Bible is in schools. When we took God out, look what filled that gap. Evil. But we also need to harden the security around our schools. You know, one resource officer is not enough to protect a school. It's not even really a deterrent. We need to, you know, have armed teachers armed volunteers paroling to protect our most precious assets, which are our children. The left doesn't really care about protecting our children. That is obvious. And we have to get back to that mindset that they're the most precious and we don't need to be doing unnecessary surgeries on them. We don't need to be doing focusing on, on, you know, whether or not they are a he, her, or him, he, or whatever it might be. And you know, that'll get us back on track banning assault weapons universal background checks and red flag laws. None of, you know, none of these, you know, red flag laws exist already. There are ways to, you know, implement those things if somebody is a danger to themselves here. But none of these, you know, background checks, uh, would have done anything. You know, you want to talk about banning an assault weapon? Well, there's just there There, there are there's no way to do that effectively and that it's against the Second Amendment entirely. So, you know, once we start realizing that we, we need to get away from the rhetoric and start looking at solutions to protect our kids primarily and then protect ourselves. And a lot of that is just being an armed public and recognizing that, you know, It's safer to have a gun on you than to be relying on the police to get there. But we will see what happens in the debate. How this topic is brought up. I'm sure it will be slanted in some horrible way. I pray that President Trump handles it in an appropriate fashion. He doesn't back down. He doesn't get wishy washy. That we do support the Second Amendment. We do support, you know, arming our teachers protecting our schools and doing whatever we can to protect our children, but taking away people's guns is not the solution. So the debates this week next week, I guess on Tuesday, we will see how it happens, but we need to pray for these victims at this school and, you know, continue to work on, you know, making our world a better place and making it a safer place. That means, you know, enforcing our existing gun laws, you know, if we, we would just begin by enforcing our existing gun laws and taking them away, putting people in jail that would solve a lot of these problems. But you know, that's not what we really were, we're focused on these days. We're focused on, on taking guns away from those that are law abiding citizens. And that's not going to solve the problem. So thank you for listening. Have a great week. And I will be touching base with you next week. We'll see how the debate goes and what new stories pop up. Thank you and have a great day.