Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
Pam Bondi - Friend or Foe of the 2nd Amendment
In this episode we discuss if the proposed Attorney General, Pam Bondi, is a friend or foe of the 2nd Amendment.
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Well, welcome to the Live Sheet podcast. My name is Jeff Dole and I have been a licensed firearm dealer for the last 17 years. In this podcast, we talk about all things related to the Second Amendment, as well as anything else going on in the world, or a sports story, or anything else that I might find interesting. So, welcome, welcome, welcome. I have been doing a few episodes on a variety of people that have been happening during the election, and, and, People that might be particularly in the administration, maybe. And this week, we're going to talk about Pam Bondi. She, there is some, you know, questions around Pam Bondi. And she, if you're not aware, she is who has been selected to be the Attorney General. She, this is following Matt Gates stepping Aside from the nomination because of the what was perceived as the difficulties of getting his nomination approved. And that was disappointing. I was really excited about Matt Gates. And I don't want this to be, you know, I'm trying to attack Pam Bondi or questioning Donald Trump on his selection of Pam Bondi or anything of that nature because I stand firmly. in the camp that President Trump needs to get the cabinet that he wants. And these attacks by Republicans on his his nominees of Tulsi Gabbard Robert Kennedy, and most, especially most recently Pete, Pete Hedsketh for The secretary of defense is, it's horrible. President Trump deserves the cabinet outside of just something outrageous in somebody's background or experience, but, um, that he, he wants. He, he deserves that. He shows that he does have a mandate. The people have spoken and they want Trump to go in and do what he promised that he was going to do. And so we need to give him that opportunity. But, you know when Pam Bondi was selected questions started popping up about some incidents in the past as it pertains to her stance around guns, gun control, second amendment, etc. So who is Pam Bondi? Well, Pam Bondi is an attorney. She was the attorney general for the state of Florida for eight years between 2011 and 2019. And most of the controversy around her position with guns and gun control stems from the results in the aftermath of the 2018 Parkland High School shooting. And if you don't recall, we won't go into all of it, but it is the most deadliest high school shooting. Mass shooting that there's been there were 17 killed 17, um, injured. And it was one of those instances where there was information ahead of time that should have maybe forewarned. that this was coming the law enforcement response was not great. They did not go in immediately to control the situation. And it resulted in 17 children and teachers being killed as well as 17 others being injured. And as it always goes with one of those, the next thing you start hearing is about gun control. And you're going to start hearing You know, you'll start hearing about banning assault weapons and universal background checks, all those typical talking points. And what resulted in the state of Florida was not an ideal response in some situations. They passed legislation that one raised the age from 18 to 21 that you have to be to purchase a long gun federally it's 18 But states can modify that. It was challenged by the, the spring to the Supreme court, Supreme court upheld that the state had the ability to raise that age to 21. It implemented some background, um, or I'm sorry, red flag laws. And it also I think banned bump stocks as, as well. And Bondi is criticized because of her I guess what was seen as her support for this legislation. She you know, and we need to understand that she is, was the Attorney General. The Attorney General is, is is responsible for enforcing laws. It is a law enforcement agency state and federal. And at the federal level. And she did, they don't write the laws. They, you know they don't sign them into law. Rick Scott was the governor at the time and he signed that law into place. It was a full Florida legislation, legislature that passed that law. But you know, she was seen as and she defended, you know, the state against lawsuits, which is her job. But she you know, she was quoted saying, hopefully Congress will follow Florida's lead and what Governor Scott has been doing here in Florida and all of us working so well together, so You know, she kind of, you know soft hardly supported some of these this new legislation. And so that raises concerns when we are putting her in the chief law enforcement officer position for the federal government. She will be over the ATF and, and the FBI. And so, you know, what does that mean for us? Should we be concerned? I don't know. I don't think she's a gun gun driver. I think she got caught up in a very emotionally, politically tough time as pertains to when any one of these mass shootings happens. And remember this was you know just a different time in, you know, President Trump's tenure. tenure as, as president. And so I think, you know, things would have been a different response this time. Now, good things did come out of this, some of this legislation, as well, that the Florida passed. One, it armed teachers. It gave them the ability to put armed teachers in, in schools, which I am a very big supporter of. I believe that we need to do more of that. It also provided for more school resource officers to be available to, to schools as well. Which I am fine. The, you know, we, we protect, you know, our banks and things much more securely than we do people. And that is, that is fine. And so there was some good things that came out of that law. But again, there was some questionable aspects as it pertains to the second amendment. And Pam Bondi was, was, was involved in some of that, but I don't think she's not shown a history of being an anti second amendment. She has she, she has not. came out and spoke out against assault weapon bans and, and thanks to that nature. So she has, you know, a I would probably stem a, maybe a more moderate approach to the second amendment. I believe she might be one of those that believe that there are some of these quote unquote common sense gun laws that can be passed. And I think, you know, red flag laws it falls in that arena for people. It seems to quote unquote make sense on the surface, but you know, when you dig into it the, you know, violation of people's for the amendment rights and the way it could be abused is always in question. So I come back to that. Do we need to be worried about Pam Bondi? I don't think so at this point in time. I think we have to set it, you know, set back and watch maybe listen to some of her Senate hearings, but I don't think we're going to get anything that would definitively say that she is an anti second amendment person or is a gun grabber of any sort. And I do believe we need to give President Trump the opportunity to have the cabinet. that he wants and go in and be able to implement the things that he wants to have done. And one of those is Pam Bondi. He wanted Matt Gaetz. Fortunately the media and RINO Republicans didn't make that possible. They are trying to make that, you know, they're trying to go after other selections like I talked about Pete Hedges. And so we need to stand up firm and support these people that can. President Trump has has selected because the, the worry on the, on the, on the Rhino Republican and the media and the left is that these people are not status quo. Do it the way we've always done it. Let's get, keep our big warmongering money coming in. And Let's just keep our Graver train running and we don't want any disruption to that. And I think the election was clear. We're ready for some disruption. So we'll keep an eye on it. I don't have any big concerns about Pam Bondi, not at this point in time. You can form your own opinion, but you know, we need to make sure that the president, President Trump gets the cabinet. that he selected. So keep an eye out. Watch that. I might be coming in as things continue to develop with other selections such as Pete Heskis and, and uh, Tulsi Gabbard and Robert Kennedy and Kash Patel. Kash Patel is key. We have to get Kash Patel in. So and then we have to watch and see who, who does get chosen to run the ATF. That will be a key selection as well. So take care. And keep watching and I will keep you informed as things develop. Have a great one. Talk to you later.