Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
Conceal Carry Reciprocity and Other News
New bills calling for conceal carry reciprocity, banning the ATF and an example of why we need to eliminate the ATF.
Biden's ATF out of Control
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Welcome to the Leadership Podcast. My name is Jeff Dowdell and I've been a licensed fireman dealer for the last 17 years. In this podcast, we talk all about the Second Amendment as well as anything else going on in the world. Or a sports story or anything else that I might find interesting. So welcome, welcome, welcome. And what a week it has been crazy week. I mean, we first have to start off with the fires in LA and just watching these stories and the, the heartbreak and the things that are lost. And then, you know, the question is being raised about, you know, how could this happen and the, the, some of the politics behind it and, you know, the finger pointing, it is just Amazing. It's heartbreaking to see. I can't imagine what these people are going through. And it's, it's not over yet. And just story after story. But, you know, I do have one thing whenever I look at the, you know, state of California. I'm no big fan of state of California. Their politics, the way they do anything. That a lot of things that they do, you know, it's it has consequences. And that, you know, this is probably an evidence of One of those things too much focus on, you know, protecting the environment not protecting the people. That is, I think, the truth of it. You know, when you look at the mayor the governor of California even, you know, the, the, Fire Chief, I hesitate to blame the fire department because they can only work with what they've got and it doesn't seem like they were actually negligent. The Fire Chief may have had her priorities a little misaligned. But, you know, the one thing is, he had one job. Just one job. And one of the jobs is, you know, keeping people safe. And they didn't do it, you know so we just keep praying for the people in California Always, right, you know that they come to their senses and start making some changes You know, when is it bad enough? When is it going to be bad enough in California? Here in Texas, snow. Yes, we had our first snowstorm of the year. We only usually get one, maybe two. And it was Thursday and Friday, we had snow days. You know, we shut down pretty much. You know, it wasn't bad, but you know, we don't, we can't do anything about it. The big wildfire in the sky is our only remediation. Really truthfully until things, it heats up and melts it away. Typically, you know, that doesn't last long. You know, we've had some couple stories here in the last few years where temperatures stayed below freezing for a week, power outages and things, but you know, fortunately that wasn't this bad. And, you know, we had the, the passing of President Carter and, and that, those funeral services you know. Whether you think about it, what a particular president or not, it's always something whenever one passes because there's only been, you know, 47. And so we're about to inaugurate the 47th one and, you know, thank goodness. And, you know, with that, you know, things are starting to line up some change. You know, we've had a couple big things, you know Warren Boebert and Eric Burleson out of Missouri, Boebert obviously is out of California, they introduced legislation to abolish the the ATF. It's just a one page. Bill would eliminate the law enforcement agency, and, you know. Will it? No, it's not going to go anywhere. I don't think it would be. I think, but I think we got to keep pressing it. You know, Boebert said, I cannot imagine under any circumstance, circumstances or administration where the ATF serves as an ally to the Second Amendment and law abiding firearm owners across America. And she's true. They are not an ally. They do not support the Second Amendment. And you know, the purpose of this is that, you know, it's past this law enforcement activity, the law enforcement aspect of it. Firearms to the state. And then maybe you have a, under a certain agency, some of the, you know, the regulations and the monitoring of the, and issuing of licenses to, to dealers. But, but more in a supportive and not a conflictive atmosphere. And then in the Senate, this one's more interesting. We'll see where it goes. We've got 41 senators that proposed a new bill. At. That's dubbed the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act and it's you know co sponsored by a lot of them including John Thune. You know John Cornyn's on this as well, and you know, I think he's trying to save his neck, honestly. You know, I talk about John Cornyn a lot here, and there's some Good rumors that Ken Paxton is going to primary. So I think John Gordon's going to be trying to do a few things here, but, so he's on this bill as well. But the proposal would ensure that the concealed carry rights in a person's home state follow them to any state. In short, it would, it would treat state issued concealed carrier permits like driver's license. It mimics, you know the national and it mimics another bill that was issued previously. So, I mean, you know, when you. Get your driver's license in Missouri and you go and you get pulled over or whatever in Texas, you know, they think, nah, you're not allowed to drive in Texas. You don't have a license. You can only drive in Missouri. It doesn't work that way. And Firearms and the driver's license, driving is not even in the constitution. It's not protected by the constitution. It's not it doesn't say anything about it in the constitution. Firearms. Yes, it is and So it'll be interesting to see Where where this goes so that you know When you are looking about traveling from one state to another, you don't have to map out your route to make sure that you're careful not to cross into a state that may not be friendly to your license or to your rights. And that you just know that, hey, I got a concealed carrying gun license in the state of Texas. I'm good to go. I can go to Washington, D. C. and carry concealed. I can go to Los Angeles, California. Bad example, but I can go to San Francisco, California and carry concealed. I don't have to worry about their crazy laws because I have a Texas license. It's good to go. Yeah, so we're going to keep our eye on that one. That would be awesome if that got pushed through. But, you know, typical, you know, Joe Biden and I don't know. You know, Biden is doing everything to go out and There's, you know, pardoning, you know, murderers and issuing Medal of Honor to Soros and you know, shutting down pipelines, you know, the ability to drill in certain pipelines. He's doing everything he can to block President Trump from being able to do as much as he can. In these last few days, I think after the election, it should be a short period of time before they, they can take over. Now, there does have to be some transition. I understand that, but man, this is from November to January. That is a long time, but you know, we had another, you know, talking about the ATF. Had another place where the ATF just kicked in the door of an innocent family, and I'm going to read some excerpts from this story. And I'm gonna link it because I think everybody needs to go read it. But this happened to a family the Manly family. I'm trying to see here. Where are they? Doesn't tell me what state they're in, but Manly is a gun collector, a second man activist, and an intervention specialist for his local public schools. And that's, you know, any student that's experiencing barriers to academic success by assessing needs, delivering targeted instruction, and collaborating. So he works with these students. And he said to you know, help them be more successful in, in, um, in, in school. But this has actually happened on November 21st. Here's the date, but this is just finally making the news. Um, the manly tells it in this hit the story that the morning started out. As most of the family's working days do, as he and his wife, also a school teacher, awoke early. He said Manly's wife, who requested that her name be withheld, went down the kitchen shortly after 4 a. m. to make coffee. It was there she noticed people moving toward the home, leading her to shout a warning to her husband. Manly looked out the window and saw agents with long guns converging on the home in a tactical formation. Security cameras showed a similar scene at the rear of the house. Manly was able to awaken his two daughters, But his four fifteen year old son remained in his basement bedroom. He continued, I looked out the window again and could tell they were going to burst down our door. I yelled, Hello! We are up here. All of a sudden a bomb went off. My wife screamed. She followed right behind me on our way out. But she was detornated. She was in pure shock. Security cameras captured the footage. The terrorized couple and the daughter sitting in the cloud in bedclothes came out of their front door at 20 degrees. With their hands above their heads. Despite the fact that they were clearly unarmed, the agents kept their rifles trained on them at point blank distance. Manly yelled at the agents, and they were pointing rifles at his daughters. Manly and his 17 year old daughter were handcuffed, and his wife and children were bundled into the back of a police van in the freedom cult. The agents then turned their attention to Manley's 15 year old son, who was still in his bedroom. Manley told Williams agents to deploy a flashbang grenade and 14 of them rushed the boy with their guns, breaking through the glass door in his room and threatening to shoot him. When they emerged with his son, 30 minutes later, Manley spoke a sigh of relief. Was brought back inside while agents and canines ransacked the home for hours. Agents also threatened to blow up Manly's locked gun safe, but he voluntarily opened it for them. No, no, knowing he had nothing to hide. All of Manly's 70 plus Firearms were unerringly compliant with federal law and the state firearm laws of Maryland. Okay, Maryland get that When all was said and done, no arrests were made, no firearms or ammunitions were seized. The only thing they took was Manley's cell phone What was that about? That is why we need to abolish the ATF. They're just a They serve no purpose but to cause to threaten illegally People's, you know you know, supporting the Second Amendment. They are, you know, they do not enforce our laws. They only go after those that they deem a threat to the Second Amendment. That is my opinion. There are probably some good people in the ATF, but we do definitely need to, to look at abolishing that agency in some form or fashion. And I'm hopeful with the new DOJ and Pambandi, Coming in that we can put the leader in there that supports our Second Amendment. So, today's gonna be a day of football watching from me. I hope you all have a great day. Continue your prayers for the California and the LA area. And I will talk to you later.