Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
2nd Amendment News
Biden's ATF out of Control
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Oh, welcome to the Live to Shoot podcast. My name is Jeff Doddle and I've been a licensed farm dealer for the last 18 years, I'm gonna say, and this podcast will talk about. All things related to the Second Amendment, as well as anything else going on in the world or a sports story, or anything else that I find interesting. So, a lot's going on in the world, before we get into the, the serious stuff kudos goes out to my chiefs that moved on to the, the conference finals after beating the Texans. It was a good game, close for a while, and then not so close but Great job to my Chiefs and the coach search for my Cowboys is ongoing. Deon seems to be the prevailing favorite, but we'll see now that the Lions got knocked out. Ben Johnson can can be a little bit of a pain. can interview and we'll see what, what happens there. So we'll see see what all happens with the in the NFL world and more football today as we have two more games, the Rams and Eagles and the big one, the Bills and the Jaguars, or I'm sorry, the Ravens. I don't know what I'm thinking about the Jaguars, but yeah. So Anyway, but a big week this week. A lot of confirmation hearings going on and I don't know if you watched them, but they are for me painful to watch, entertaining at times. The Senators, especially on the left, are giving all these questions about you know, when did you stop beating your wife? The one Senator keeps asking everybody if they've been sexually abused or been accused of sexually assaulting somebody. Very odd questions. But they all seem to be focused too on getting the nominees to say that Trump is wrong and that he did did not win the 2020 election and that there was no fraud and that the J6 pardons shouldn't happen. They want these nominees to commit to that and you know, ultimately that is a 47's choice and he will do what he wants to do. But When we talk about confirmation hearings the one that you know, we were watching and I watched a good bit of it You Not word for word of it, but was a confirmation hearing of Pam Bondi for Attorney General. And it's, you know, she's been controversial on the gun, Second Amendment gun rights side. And, you know, she hasn't this one didn't, you know her conversation, her hearing didn't alleviate any of those concerns. She stated that she is an advocate for the Second Amendment, but I will enforce the laws of the land. Now, You know, what does that mean that she's an advocate in many cases? People say yeah, I support the second amendment, but what they really mean is That they believe that maybe the best case where it says you have a right to bear arms You can only bear one arm at a time So you can only have one at a time and any more than that is Violent, you know isn't supported by the second amendment or that it's just for militia or that they just say that to move off of the deflect off of the question. And then, you know, is she going to, you know pursue stricter gun laws? You know, in the past in Florida she supported measures like red flag laws post, you know, post parkland shows a mixed on. gun rights. She's also been celebrated and criticized by both factions. On one side, her commitment to enforce existing gun laws reassure those worried about legal chaos. On the other, gun rights groups like Gun Owners of America have expressed concerns over her support for some restrictions questioning her dedication to the Second Amendment. It's full scope. So, where did Pam Bondi land? I don't know. We're going to have to watch and see. You know, she is law enforcement. That is where the Department of Justice is. And she does have to, you know, enforce the laws of the land. But she also has the ATF under her. And the ATF it's been making its own laws and it's been pursuing gun dealers and the industry more than they, it is the criminals. And that's the shift I think that we, one of the things that we want to see the most is one to quit. Trying to put more rulings and regulations around existing guns and go out and, you know, get the guys that are actually breaking the law. But we'll see, we'll see where that goes. At other news, the Supreme Court declined to hear the Maryland's handgun licensing, to hear a challenge on the Maryland handgun licensing regime. The decision was part of a list of orders released from the justices private conference. The case Maryland's shall issue versus more involved gun rights groups and gun owners challenging Maryland's requirement that most residents obtain a license before buying a gun. The U. S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit and the U. Had upheld the law, pointing to Justice Clarence Thomas opinion on New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruin, which indicated that laws requiring gun owners to undergo background checks or complete gun safety courses would generally be constitutional. Additionally, this, I don't necessarily think that's exactly the, Proper interpretation of Bruin, but additionally the Supreme Court also declined to hear a pair of cases seeking to hold oil and gas companies responsible for damage caused by climate change. Blah, blah, blah, blah. So the Supreme Court also rejected multiple Second Amendment cases, but then they relisted Some, some new ones are some existing gunman challenges where the gun rights advocates hope for a major announcement. The high court denied petitions for a story in Maryland and Gray versus Jennings. So the theory might be that the court just hasn't found their perfect case yet and they don't want to. Here a case that maybe we've got four solid votes, but they're not sure where the other two may be landing and they don't want to get a case ruled that is becomes, you know, law of the land across the country. And so maybe they're waiting for a a more solid case. Maybe they've got those out there. Maybe they're waiting to to get some more controversy in terms of conflicting decisions across different circuits. It's always hard to tell about the Supreme Court. People make their living out of trying to Monday morning quarterback what they did and why they did it because the Supreme Court doesn't really tell you a lot of things they They they do their thing and they will issue their opinions But a lot of the stuff about how things actually get there and how those decisions made those are made in private conference And outside of releasing some things around row, you know, they, they, that's usually pretty, they kept pretty, pretty close to their vests. So we will see, but the big news also coming is Monday. Tomorrow, Inauguration Day, Donald J. Trump will become the 47th President of the United States, and we can start trying to clean up this mess. There is a big mess that he is having to come into, and we can just not wait another minute to get it cleaned up. Clear it up. So pray for his safety. Pray for all the people that are going there to see him. I had fallen on Facebook. A few people from that we know that are flying out there, their travels were their journey out there was quite difficult, but it's going to be cold and it's going to be inside. So not many people are going to get to see it, but I'll be watching on TV. And we will see where things go, but you know, we've got, you know, more confirmation hearings. We, Cash Patel seems to be, you know, one that they have their, their sights set on. They were really grilling Pam Bondi on cash. And I think cash is key. I like that. To To the success of this Trump administration because we've got to uncover a lot of this crazy stuff that's going on in the, in the FBI. As it pertains to J6, the pipe bomber at the DNC on, on, on January 6th. What all, you know, these things have, these other Investigations that they've done and hopefully reform the FBI and get it to be a much more respectable organization as well as the ATF. I don't, you know, I'd like to abolish the ATF, but that's not going to happen. And so let's get them fighting criminals. Let them, let's fight the drug dealers that are getting these guns. And not the, the guys that are trying to do their best to, to serve this industry. So that is it for today. Keep listening, share this podcast, and have a great weekend and have a happy inauguration day.