Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights
Trump's Executive Orders
In this episode we discuss the first week of Trump's presidency and all that has been accomplished as we start Making America Great Again.
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Welcome to the Live To Shoot podcast. My name is Jeff Doddle, and I have been a licensed fire and dealer live for the last 18 years. In this podcast, we talk about all things related to amendment. Anything else going on in the world, a sports story, or anything else that I might find interesting, so welcome, welcome, welcome. And what a week it has been, President Trump took office on Monday, the inauguration happened on Monday, I don't know if you got to see it, I watched a good bit of it in the morning, all the way up to him escorting Biden, to his helicopter, to get out of Dodge, and it was a, it was a great thing, his speech was amazing, he came out punching. And then following all the festivities he got to work. Trump got to work and he started issuing his executive orders and, and coming true on his promises. A good number of the promises that he had made on the camping trail. He, he issued right out the gate. So, I mean, his first you know, set of executive orders were first. He, he started naming his cabinet. And then he went and he issued an executive order of rescinding all these harmful executive orders that Biden had done in his last few weeks. I mean, I went through the list of them. There's about 50 of them. Then he did a restoring freedom of speech and ending federal censorship executive order. Basically said that the U. S. government was not going to be in the business of pressuring you know, online platforms and, and other methods to censor and, He didn't control people's free speech anymore. He gave that back to us. He issued an executive order ending the weaponization of the federal government again. You know, getting these different agencies away from attacking our citizens and weaponizing it for political purposes. He issued a return to work for governmental employees. He issued a hiring freeze for the executive branch that they could not go and fill any openings which is a great he then the big one that he did that was his longest promises is he pardoned the J Sixers. And that was controversial, but he did it. He put a temporary ban on the TikTok banning the TikTok ban. He withdrew us from the World Health Organization. All sorts of things. And this is just within the first few hours of his presidency. He declared a national emergency at the southern border. He declared drug cartels as As terrorist, and that's interesting because that then can allow us to use the military to potentially execute raids on the cartels in Mexico. If they don't do, do start playing ball with us. He unleashed unleashing American Injury and he started, you know, Drill Baby Drill. He started securing our borders. He did a putting people over fish executive order where he charged the secretary of the interior and to, to figure out a way to get more water into into California. And, you know, where in the past environmental issues have been in the, in the way of it. Yeah. He declared, you know, we have a national emergency with Eric national energy emergency. He he issued another variety of pardons. He He established DOJ, that's a big one and put that on board. He in his speech, he said, you know, that there are two genders, and he issued an executive order to that and he also ended affirms of action hiring in the federal government to going back to a merit based, uh, process. He changed the name of DOJ. Mount Denali back to Mount McKinley, and the Gulf of Mexico to Gulf of America. That is just a bold move, and, and shows how, you know, we're, we're going back for American greatness. The the pardoned Russ Ulbrich, who was the founder of the Silk Road online site that was used for a variety of purposes but he, it was, you know but a lot of it was used for illicit purposes drugs and things like that, and Ross, Ross, Ross had gotten two licenses plus 40 years for his involvement in that. He gave him a full pardon on that he you know, started an entire AI initiative which We'll talk about that later at some point. So, I mean, he has come out swinging, and he has kept his promises, you know. And that's the one thing I've always said about President Trump, is that he kept his promises, and he did what he could in his first term. Considering all the roadblocks that were put up in his way. So now, and we've gotten, you know, we're off to a pretty good start. We've got Rubio was already confirmed as Secretary of State, so we are getting his cabinet put in place pretty quickly. Pete Hexhus got past his first step, so he should be getting confirmed here pretty soon. Pat Bondy should be pretty soon, and then we're gonna have the, you know, the FBI and all those other, uh, Robert Kennedy Jr., oh, and that's the other thing, he declassified the records pertaining to the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Dr. Martin Luther King. Those should be some interesting reads so. This president works. They are getting things done. And that is important to note. So it's been a big week. A big week in our country. We feel like we are on our path again. A lot of work to do. A lot of work still to do. We've got to start implementing these executive orders are one thing, but we still have to knock down the administrative barriers that are in place. Now the one thing that really hasn't come up in this first week is anything regarding firearms. You know, that is still a to be determined. And we will have to see where all that lands. You know, we've got questions about Panbandi but we will definitely keep our eye on that. You know, the President has set a proper tone, at least for this government, and that is that we are going back to respecting our Constitution and being free, unlike Joe Biden, who, on the last day of his pregnancy, he pardoned his entire family. And the story is that He wrote the the pardons out on the 19th, but they didn't get actually published until 1130 on the 20th. That is when everybody, Joe Biden, all of them were seated in the Capitol during the inauguration. He did not want President Trump knowing about that because President Trump would have called him out in his speech, but he, he's, you know, why pardon people? It's his, his brothers. Sister in laws everybody that was in his direct, his sons children as well. So it was a crime family and they've been put, put down. And so it will be interesting to see what happens going forward. You know, he pardoned you know, the J6 committee, Liz Cheney. And, and, and. Millie and all of those folks so you know, there's still questions we need to get answers to and that's one thing I'm gonna keep an eye out because in the past we've kind of let things you know, these government people commit these Actions these criminal actions and then once we move them out of office, we kind of like, oh, that's okay Let's just forget about that. Let's go, move forward. These people have been getting pardons. But I still want to know what happened. We need to bring it into light so it doesn't happen again. And that people know that they are being, that it is unacceptable. And that this is America and we are, we are governed by a constitution that instills freedoms and rights to every individual. And that you can't just create this rogue government to investigate and put your enemies in jail. And that is what happened. And now Biden has gone along trying to pardon all the people that he, that was involved. But it's not going to completely protect them. So, it'll be an interesting time. So, nothing on the Second Amendment this week. We will be watching it. The SHOT Show is going on in Vegas. That's always a good time. Might be posting my newsletter, maybe some stories coming out of the SHOT Show. So again, if you haven't subscribed to my newsletter, subscribe to it. And Otherwise, I will be watching the Chiefs play the Bills anxiously to see if we can go back for our third straight Super Bowl this week. Great week, and have a great one. Keep listening, and I will talk to you later.